I've been struggling with this same issue recently but my need was a little different in that I needed the top K values per key with a data set like (key: Int, (domain: String, count: Long))
. While your dataset is simpler there is still a scaling/performance issue by using groupByKey as noted in the documentation.
When called on a dataset of (K, V) pairs, returns a dataset of (K,
Iterable) pairs. Note: If you are grouping in order to perform an
aggregation (such as a sum or average) over each key, using
reduceByKey or combineByKey will yield much better performance.
In my case I ran into problems very quickly because my Iterable
in (K, Iterable<V>)
was very large, > 1 million, so the sorting and taking of the top N became very expensive and creates potential memory issues.
After some digging, see references below, here is a full example using combineByKey to accomplish the same task in a way that will perform and scale.
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
object TopNForKey {
var SampleDataset = List(
(1, ("apple.com", 3L)),
(1, ("google.com", 4L)),
(1, ("stackoverflow.com", 10L)),
(1, ("reddit.com", 15L)),
(2, ("slashdot.org", 11L)),
(2, ("samsung.com", 1L)),
(2, ("apple.com", 9L)),
(3, ("microsoft.com", 5L)),
(3, ("yahoo.com", 3L)),
(3, ("google.com", 4L)))
//sort and trim a traversable (String, Long) tuple by _2 value of the tuple
def topNs(xs: TraversableOnce[(String, Long)], n: Int) = {
var ss = List[(String, Long)]()
var min = Long.MaxValue
var len = 0
xs foreach { e =>
if (len < n || e._2 > min) {
ss = (e :: ss).sortBy((f) => f._2)
min = ss.head._2
len += 1
if (len > n) {
ss = ss.tail
min = ss.head._2
len -= 1
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val topN = 2
val sc = new SparkContext("local", "TopN For Key")
val rdd = sc.parallelize(SampleDataset).map((t) => (t._1, t._2))
//use combineByKey to allow spark to partition the sorting and "trimming" across the cluster
val topNForKey = rdd.combineByKey(
//seed a list for each key to hold your top N's with your first record
(v) => List[(String, Long)](v),
//add the incoming value to the accumulating top N list for the key
(acc: List[(String, Long)], v) => topNs(acc ++ List((v._1, v._2)), topN).toList,
//merge top N lists returned from each partition into a new combined top N list
(acc: List[(String, Long)], acc2: List[(String, Long)]) => topNs(acc ++ acc2, topN).toList)
//print results sorting for pretty
topNForKey.sortByKey(true).foreach((t) => {
println(s"key: ${t._1}")
t._2.foreach((v) => {
println(s"----- $v")
And what I get in the returning rdd...
(1, List(("google.com", 4L),
("stackoverflow.com", 10L))
(2, List(("apple.com", 9L),
("slashdot.org", 15L))
(3, List(("google.com", 4L),
("microsoft.com", 5L))