我是 R 新手。我正在使用包PerformanceAnalytics来计算投资组合的 Component VaR。
> VaR(edhec, p=.95, method="gaussian", portfolio_method="component")
no weights passed in, assuming equal weighted portfolio
[1,] 0.01193358
Convertible Arbitrage CTA Global Distressed Securities Emerging Markets Equity Market Neutral Event Driven Fixed Income Arbitrage
0.0014400703 0.0003687009 0.0012961865 0.0032090406 0.0003479361 0.0013848605 0.0010051944
Global Macro Long/Short Equity Merger Arbitrage Relative Value Short Selling Funds of Funds
0.0011151866 0.0015860006 0.0004412756 0.0009265836 -0.0027498306 0.0015623733
Convertible Arbitrage CTA Global Distressed Securities Emerging Markets Equity Market Neutral Event Driven Fixed Income Arbitrage
0.12067381 0.03089608 0.10861675 0.26890849 0.02915606 0.11604738 0.08423244
Global Macro Long/Short Equity Merger Arbitrage Relative Value Short Selling Funds of Funds
0.09344947 0.13290235 0.03697764 0.07764507 -0.23042800 0.13092245
> VaR(edhec, p=.95, method="historical", portfolio_method="component")
no weights passed in, assuming equal weighted portfolio
[1] 0.01439231
我想使用历史模拟方法计算每个部分的分量 VaR。