我想问问那里的专家 joomla 开发人员,关于事件处理(下拉值等)它是如何编码的?在 .NET(VB/C#) 中,开发期间用户界面中的每个控件都有一个自定义事件处理程序(例如 button1_click)。有参考吗?


2 回答 2


There are aspects to this answer.

Firstly, I need to make sue that you are comparing .net web development with Joomla web development here. I would be surprised that every click on a .net control can be hooked into with a callback architecture, but then again I am not a .net developer.

Joomla has an event trigger system, which can be used in conjunction with Joomla plugins, see here: http://docs.joomla.org/Plugin/Events

On top of this, many more complex components define their own events, good examples are jEvents and jSeblod

于 2014-12-02T02:58:45.780 回答

这不是 Joomla 的核心!你需要编写一些 JavaScript/jQuery 来处理这个问题。

或者,您可以查看 RS Forms 之类的东西,它允许对许多字段类型进行条件显示。

于 2015-08-12T00:38:52.087 回答