我正在运行一个 m 文件,创建两个变量,Clus然后Watts_Map. 我想将这两个变量保存到以“.mat”结尾的文件中。两者都是变量,尺寸为 (1152,241,319),其中 1152 为 360 度经度,增量为 0.3125 度,241 为纬度从 30S-30N,增量为 0.25 度,超过 319 个时间步长。代码一直有效,直到最后出现错误:

[Warning: Variable 'Clus' cannot be saved to a MAT-file whose version is older
than 7.3.
To save this variable, use the -v7.3 switch.
[Warning: Variable 'Watts_Map' cannot be saved to a MAT-file whose version is
older than 7.3.
To save this variable, use the -v7.3 switch.

我使用的是 Matlab 版本 R2014a,所以会认为这是最新版本。此外,我在较小的空间域(但超过 2920 个时间步)上运行了相同的确切代码,没有错误。

%  Clear all variables, initialize counter, indexed by timestep
clear all;

rain = NaN(1152,241,319);
Clus = NaN(1152,241,319);
Areas_Final = NaN(500,319); 
Wattage_Final = NaN(500,319);
Cluster_size = zeros(319,1);
Watts_Map = zeros(1152,241,319);

for year = 2000%:2008;
    Nyear = sprintf('%04d',year);

    %  Call on the files for each year
    filename = (['pr_3hr_GFDL-HIRAM-C360_amip_r1i1p1_' num2str(Nyear) '010100-' num2str(Nyear) '123123_subset_TROPICS.nc']);

    rain_rate = ncread(filename,'pr');

    %  Call on each timestep
    for i = 960:4:2236; % Approx May 1st-Sep 30th

        %  Set extract subset for region, mask land areas, for each
        %  timestep

        rain = rain_rate(:,:,i);

        % Eliminate bad/no data points
        index_rain = (rain >= (5.4e-05)) & (rain < 1e-2); % 0.2mm/hr is min rain rate

        % Cluster each morning and afternoon matrix
        Clus(:,:,i) = cluster_it(index_rain);

        % Calculate cluster areas
        Areas = cluster_areas_TROPICS(Clus(:,:,i));
        Areas_Final(1:length(Areas),i) = Areas;

        % Calculate cluster wattages
        Wattage = cluster_wattage(Clus(:,:,i),rain);

        Cluster_size(i,1) = max(max(Clus(:,:,i)));

        % Create dummy matricies to populate and use to create the wattage
        % maps
        D = zeros(1152,241);
        E = squeeze(Clus(:,:,i));
        for index = 1:Cluster_size(i);
            D(E == index) = Wattage(index);

        Watts_Map(:,:,i) = D;

        % Clear the dummy matricies
        clear D E


    % Save the output as a .mat file
    file_out = sprintf(num2str(Nyear), year);
    matfile = [file_out '_TROPICS_Watts_Maps_inc_Land_low_rain_threshold.mat'];
    save(matfile, 'Clus', 'Watts_Map');

    % Clear unneeded variables to save memory and prevent overwriting
    clear index_rain rain Areas Wattage Clus file_out filename Areas_Final rain_rate Watts_Map Cluster_size year matfile


1 回答 1


即使在当前版本中,默认格式也不是 v7.3。您必须指定它:

save(matfile, '-v7.3', 'var1', 'var2');

您还可以在“General Preferences”中设置默认值:


请注意,v7.3 从 R2008a 开始压缩数据

压缩 -v7.3 MAT 文件

您可以使用 save 函数的 -v7.3 选项将大小超过 2 GB 的数据项存储在 MAT 文件中。此选项是在 MATLAB R2006b 中引入的。使用 MATLAB R2008a,现在 save 会压缩这些 MAT 文件。

我已经看到 v7.3 文件的文件大小爆炸了,但那是历史,也许现在更好。

于 2014-12-02T01:20:03.357 回答