好的,这里有一些有趣的东西。请注意,这里的“元素”是 的一个实例PathElements
* This test this part of the Path's .relativize() method:
* <p> For any two {@link #normalize normalized} paths <i>p</i> and
* <i>q</i>, where <i>q</i> does not have a root component,
* <blockquote>
* <i>p</i><tt>.relativize(</tt><i>p</i><tt>.resolve(</tt><i>q</i><tt>))
* .equals(</tt><i>q</i><tt>)</tt>
* </blockquote>
* Unfortunately, that turns out NOT TO BE TRUE! Whether p is absolute or
* relative, it is indeed the case that the path elements (root, names) are
* the same but the filesystem DIFFERS.
* An as Path's .equals() requires that the two filesystems be equal in
* order for two Paths to be equals, this contract can not be obeyed; or I
* am doing something VERY wrong.
@Test(enabled = false)
public void relativizeResolveRoundRobinWorks()
* In order to set up the environment we define a mock
* FileSystemProvider which both our mock filesystems will return when
* .provider() is called.
* We also suppose that the same PathElementsFactory is used; while this
* code is not written yet, there should be only one such factory per
* FileSystemProvider anyway (which is fed into all generated FileSystem
* instances -- at least that's the plan).
* Note that this test method assumes that .equals() and .hashCode() are
* not implemented on GenericPath. As such we check that the FileSystem
* is the same (this is required by Path's equals()) and that the path
* elements are the same (this is this package's requirements).
final FileSystemProvider fsProvider = mock(FileSystemProvider.class);
final PathElementsFactory elementsFactory
= new UnixPathElementsFactory();
final FileSystem fsForP = mock(FileSystem.class);
final FileSystem fsForQ = mock(FileSystem.class);
* The path to be operated. As the contract says, it has no root
* component.
final GenericPath q = new GenericPath(fsForQ, elementsFactory,
new PathElements(null, new String[] { "q1", "q2" }));
* The path against which both resolution and relativization are
* performed. We take two versions of it: a non absolute one and an
* absolute one.
* Note that since we use a UnixPathElementsFactory, we equate an
* absolute path (or not) to a path which has a root component (or not).
GenericPath p;
// "rr" as in "resolved, relativized"
GenericPath rr;
final CustomSoftAssertions soft = CustomSoftAssertions.create();
* Try with the absolute version first...
p = new GenericPath(fsForP, elementsFactory,
new PathElements("/", new String[] { "p1", "p2" }));
rr = (GenericPath) p.relativize(p.resolve(q));
.as("rr and q filesystems should be the same (p absolute)")
* Now with the non absolute version
p = new GenericPath(fsForP, elementsFactory,
new PathElements(null, new String[] { "p1", "p2" }));
rr = (GenericPath) p.relativize(p.resolve(q));
.as("rr and q filesystems should be the same (p not absolute)")
The following 2 assertions failed:
1) [rr and q filesystems should be the same (p absolute)]
<Mock for FileSystem, hashCode: 1125642929>
and actual:
<Mock for FileSystem, hashCode: 1497261280>
to refer to the same object
2) [rr and q filesystems should be the same (p not absolute)]
<Mock for FileSystem, hashCode: 1125642929>
and actual:
<Mock for FileSystem, hashCode: 1497261280>
to refer to the same object
- r = p.resolve(q) 将给出一个与 p 共享相同文件系统的路径,而不是 q;
- 因此,p.relativize(r) 也会给出一个与 p 具有相同文件系统的 Path;
- 但是 Path 合约要求为了使两条路径相等,它们共享同一个文件系统。