var listA =
{ Id: 2, Date: "2014-11-28", Amount: 30 },
{ Id: 1, Date: "2014-11-27", Amount: 15 },
{ Id: 1, Date: "2014-11-28", Amount: 20 },
var listB =
{ Id: 1, Date: "2014-11-27", Amount: 15 },
{ Id: 2, Date: "2014-11-26", Amount: 25 },
我想合并两个列表中的数据,按 Id 对它们进行分组并使用结果中每个 Id 的最高日期,并将唯一对象的总数(即具有相同 Id 和日期的对象 - 只能有一个每个日期和 ID 的金额)。
// "For ID X, the Amounts up to Date Y = total Z"
我对 Ramda 很陌生,但我已经设法使用以下代码合并列表:
// Helper functions to build predicate list
var predicateListFunc = function (props) { return R.allPredicates(R.map(R.curry(R.eqProps), props)); }
var compareProperties = R.unapply(predicateListFunc);
// Function to merge lists based on object Ids and Dates
var mergeLists = R.unionWith(compareProperties("Id", "Date"));
// Function to sort in date descending order; used later to facilitate grouping
var sortByDateDesc = R.compose(R.reverse, R.sortBy(R.prop("Date")));
// Merge the lists
var mergedData = sortByDateDesc(mergeLists(listA, listB));
// My original code used a side-effect because I could not get the R.reduce to
// work. Turns out it was a typo that prevented the initial list from propagating
// correctly. I reimplemented it and spotted the typo after reading Furqan Zafar's
// comment)
var groupCalc = function (list, item) {
var index = R.findIndex(R.propEq("Id", item.Id), list);
if (index >= 0) {
list[index].Amount += item.Amount;
} else
return list;
var groupedList = R.reduce(groupCalc, [], mergedData);
虽然它看起来确实有效,但我想知道在 Ramda 中是否有更好的方法来解决这个问题?groupBy的文档表明它在这里没有用。