这真的很奇怪,我为这个程序编写了一个类,并且正要测试它如何从文件中读取数据,但是我得到一个“找不到符号”错误,它指的是第一个扫描仪中声明的“新”。第二个 Scanner 变量中的“=”出现相同的错误,并且稍后会出现一堆找不到所有“Candidate_Info[i]”对象的符号。我不知道我的错误在哪里。顺便说一句,我正在使用记事本++,也使用记事本++编译和运行它。
import java.util.Scanner; //I'm only gonna need scanner for this project I think
import java.io.*;
public class HuntowskiSamuel //This is what the file name should be as well as the class name
public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException
File CFile = new File("cipcs115.txt"); //This will be the file and scanner variable used to pull the data for the candidates
Scanner scan = new Scanner(Cfile);
File CfileReadIn = new File("cipcs115.txt"); //While this file and scanner will be used to pull the number of candidates from the same file...hopefully
Scanner scanReadIn = new Scanner(CFileReadIn);
String StateName = "No name yet"; //This is where the state value will be held, that controls the input of the file
int NumberOfCandidates = 0; // This will pull the number of candidates for the array size
String garbage = "Empty"; //This is where the ReadIn scanner can dump excess stuff
StateName = scanReadIn.next(); //The prime read for the while loop
int NumberOfLettersEntered [] = new int [8]; //Since we only have the letters L, C, V, S, D, P, Q, and X (others/errors) that were entered, IN THAT ORDER. Its not graceful but it works
while(StateName != "END_OF_FILE") //While we haven't reached the end of the file
for(int i = scanReadIn.nextInt(); i > 0; i--) //Read in the number of candidates, then run the loop that number of times
NumberOfCandidates++; //Every time this loop runs, it means there is one more candidate for the total amount
garbage = scanReadIn.nextLine(); //This will take all the important info and dump it, seeing as we only need the number of candidates and the state name
StateName = scanReadIn.next(); //Pull the next state name
Candidate_Info Candidates [] = new Candidate_Info [NumberOfCandidates]; //This creates an array of the exact size of the number of candidates in the file
for(int i = 0; i < NumberOfCandidates; i++) //Running the constructor for each and every candidate created
Candidate_Info [i] = Candidate_Info();
StateName = scan.next(); //Prime read for the data taking loop
while(StateName != "END_OF_FILE") //The same as the other loop, only using the real file and scanner variables
int CandidateNumber = 0; //This will keep the array number straight from 0 to however many candidates - 1
for(int i = 0; i < scan.nextInt(); i++) //This will loop for each of the candidates in ONE STATE, it pulls the number of candidates as an int
Candidate_Info[CandidateNumber].setParty(scan.next().charAt(0)); //This might not work because it is just a single character versus the string that it would be passed
StateName = scan.next();
//Samuel James Huntowski
// started: 11-18-2014
// last modified: 11-18-2014
public class Candidate_Info
private String State; //All the variables that were given to me in the specification
private String Name_of_Candidate;
private String Election_Office;
private char Party;
private int Number_of_Votes;
private double Dollars_Spent;
private String Motto;
private final double DOLLARS_SPENT_MIN = 0.0; //Mutator method for Dollars_Spent must check to see if greater then this value
private final int NUMBER_OF_ATTRIBUTES = 7; //for use in the equals method
public Candidate_Info()
State = "No state assigned"; //Giving empty values to all of the variables
Name_of_Candidate = "No name yet";
Election_Office = "No office assigned";
Party = 'X';
Number_of_Votes = 0;
Dollars_Spent = 0.0;
Motto = "No motto yet";
//These are all of the Accessor Methods
public String getState()
return State;
public String getName()
return Name_of_Candidate;
public String getOffice()
return Election_Office;
public char getParty()
return Party;
public int getVotes()
return Number_of_Votes;
public double getSpent()
return Dollars_Spent;
public String getMotto()
return Motto;
//Mutator methods will go here
public void setState(String newState)
State = newState;
System.out.println("The candidate's state is now set to " + newState + ".");
public void setName(String newName)
Name_of_Candidate = newName;
System.out.println("The candidate's name is now set to " + newName + ".");
public void setOffice(String newOffice)
Election_Office = newOffice;
System.out.println("The candidate's office is now set to " + newOffice + ".");
public void setParty(char newParty)
if(!((newParty == 'd') || (newParty == 'r') || (newParty == 'i') || (newParty == 'o'))) //If the value of newParty DOES NOT EQUAL 'o', 'd', 'r', or 'i' then do the next set of code
System.out.println("Invalid party input. Candidate's party remains unchanged. Please try again.");
Party = newParty;
System.out.println("The candidate's party is now set to " + newParty + ".");
public void setVotes(int newNumberOfVotes)
Number_of_Votes = newNumberOfVotes;
System.out.println("The candidate's number of votes is now set to " + newNumberOfVotes + ".");
public void setSpent(double newDollarsSpent)
if(newDollarsSpent < DOLLARS_SPENT_MIN) //If the amount of money spent is less then zero (Which just wouldn't make sense, so that's why I set the variable to zero)
System.out.println("New amount of dollars spent is invalid. Candidate's dollars spent remains unchanged. Please try again.");
Dollars_Spent = newDollarsSpent;
System.out.println("The candidate's dollars spent is now set to " + newDollarsSpent + ".");
public void setMotto(String newMotto)
Motto = newMotto;
System.out.println("The candidate's motto is now set to \"" + newMotto + "\"");
public void displayAll()
System.out.println(State + "\t" + Name_of_Candidate + "\t"
+ Election_Office + "\t" +
Party + "\t" + Number_of_Votes +
"\t" + Dollars_Spent + "\t" + Motto); //Display all info separated by tabs
public String toString()
String ReturnThis = (State + "\t" + Name_of_Candidate + "\t" +
Election_Office + "\t" + Party +
"\t" + Number_of_Votes + "\t" +
Dollars_Spent + "\t" + Motto); //same as displayAll() just in one string
return ReturnThis;
public boolean equals(Candidate_Info PassedCandidate)
boolean TF [] = new boolean [NUMBER_OF_ATTRIBUTES]; //An array of booleans that match the number of attributes above
boolean finalResult; //This will hold the final boolean result of all the below calculations
if(State.equals(PassedCandidate.getState())) TF[0] = true; //This isn't the most graceful method of doing this, but it works
else TF[0] = false;
if(Name_of_Candidate.equals(PassedCandidate.getName())) TF[1] = true;
else TF[1] = false;
if(Election_Office.equals(PassedCandidate.getOffice())) TF[2] = true;
else TF[2] = false;
if(Party == PassedCandidate.getParty()) TF[3] = true;
else TF[3] = false;
if(Number_of_Votes == PassedCandidate.getVotes()) TF[4] = true;
else TF[4] = false;
if(Dollars_Spent == PassedCandidate.getSpent()) TF[5] = true;
else TF[5] = false;
if(Motto.equals(PassedCandidate.getMotto())) TF[6] = true;
else TF[6] = false;
if(TF[0] && TF[1] && TF[2] && TF[3] && TF[4] && TF[5] && TF[6]) finalResult = true; //If ALL OF THE ATTRIBUTES equal the attributes of the passed candidate, therefore making all the TF variables true, then they are equal
else finalResult = false;
return finalResult;