
我有 4 个文本框 1) 准备者 2) 检查者 3) 批准者 4) 创建者

首先,我将以 Smitha 身份登录,然后在“Preapred by”中登录 - Smitha 名称应自动出现 n 所有其他文本框应为空白,然后我会将其提交给我们各自的 HOD

现在,Nagaraj 先生将以 Nagaraj.S 身份登录,然后在“Checked by”中 - Nagara.S 名称应自动出现 n Approved by 和 Created by 应为空白,然后他提交表格,然后转到 1 级人员

现在,Jagadish 处于 1 级,他将使用他的用户名登录,然后在“批准者”文本框中,他的名字应该自动出现在这里 Prepared by value 和 Checked by value 以前采用的不应更改,而 Created by 应该是空白的

现在他将表单提交给 2 级人员,即 Karthick,那么他的名字应该出现在“创建者”中,不更改任何值



1 回答 1


Don't use LotusScript. @Formula is WAY more appropriate here (you might use LS in the buttons, but you don't need it in the fields)

You would want to ADD a field to the form called "Status". The field would be ComputedWhenComposed, numeric with the formula: 1

Then you create an action button "Submit" (you could compute the label) "Submit for "+@Select(Status;"Check":"Approval":"Take Ownership")

The button formula is: FIELD Pending := @true; FIELD Status := Status + 1; @if(@Command([FileSave]);@Command([FileCloseWindow]);"")

In the POSTOPEN event you put: @if(@IsDocBeingEdited;"";@Return); FIELD Pending := @false;

Now you have your 4 fields; which are ALL computed:

@if(Pending=@True;@ThisValue;Status=1;@UserName;@ThisValue) @if(Pending=@True;@ThisValue;Status=2;@UserName;@ThisValue) @if(Pending=@True;@ThisValue;Status=3;@UserName;@ThisValue) @if(Pending=@True;@ThisValue;Status=4;@UserName;@ThisValue)

You also could have a button that walks the chain backwards if it gets rejected. Follow the same logic.


于 2010-08-13T10:33:36.767 回答