我想对应用在对象上的展开循环和 for 循环之间的执行速度差异进行基准测试。整个示例可在此处获得。
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <random>
#include <functional>
#include <chrono>
#include <fstream>
template<typename RT>
class Point
std::array<RT,3> data;
Point() = default;
Point(std::initializer_list<RT>& ilist)
Point(RT x, RT y, RT z)
RT& operator[](int i)
return data[i];
RT operator[](int i) const
return data[i];
const Point& operator += (Point const& other)
data[0] +=[0];
data[1] +=[1];
data[2] +=[2];
return *this;
const Point& operator /= (RT const& s)
data[0] /= s;
data[1] /= s;
data[2] /= s;
return *this;
template<typename RT>
Point<RT> operator-(const Point<RT>& p1, const Point<RT>& p2)
return Point<RT>(p1[0] - p2[0], p1[1] - p2[1], p1[2] - p2[2]);
template<typename RT>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os , Point<RT> const& p)
os << p[0] << " " << p[1] << " " << p[2];
return os;
template<typename Point>
class Triangle
std::array<Point, 3> points;
typedef typename std::array<Point, 3>::value_type value_type;
typedef Point PointType;
Triangle() = default;
Triangle(std::initializer_list<Point>& ilist)
Triangle(Point const& p1, Point const& p2, Point const& p3)
points({p1, p2, p3})
Point& operator[](int i)
return points[i];
Point operator[](int i) const
return points[i];
auto begin()
return points.begin();
const auto begin() const
return points.begin();
auto end()
return points.end();
const auto end() const
return points.end();
template<typename Triangle>
typename Triangle::PointType barycenter_for(Triangle const& triangle)
typename Triangle::value_type barycenter;
for (const auto& point : triangle)
barycenter += point;
barycenter /= 3.;
return barycenter;
template<typename Triangle>
typename Triangle::PointType barycenter_unrolled(Triangle const& triangle)
typename Triangle::PointType barycenter;
barycenter += triangle[0];
barycenter += triangle[1];
barycenter += triangle[2];
barycenter /= 3.;
return barycenter;
template<typename TriangleSequence>
typename TriangleSequence::value_type::value_type
TriangleSequence const& triangles,
typename TriangleSequence::value_type::value_type (
typename TriangleSequence::value_type const &
> triangle_barycenter
typename TriangleSequence::value_type::value_type barycenter;
for(const auto& triangle : triangles)
barycenter += triangle_barycenter(triangle);
barycenter /= double(triangles.size());
return barycenter;
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
typedef Point<double> point;
typedef Triangle<point> triangle;
const int EXP = (atoi(argv[1]));
ofstream outFile;"results.dat",std::ios_base::app);
const unsigned int MAX_TRIANGLES = pow(10, EXP);
typedef std::vector<triangle> triangleVector;
triangleVector triangles;
std::random_device rd;
std::default_random_engine e(rd());
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist(-10,10);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX_TRIANGLES; ++i)
point(dist(e), dist(e), dist(e)),
point(dist(e), dist(e), dist(e)),
point(dist(e), dist(e), dist(e))
typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock Clock;
auto start = Clock::now();
auto trianglesBarycenter = barycenter(triangles, [](const triangle& tri){return barycenter_for(tri);});
auto end = Clock::now();
auto forLoop = end - start;
start = Clock::now();
auto trianglesBarycenterUnrolled = barycenter(triangles, [](const triangle& tri){return barycenter_unrolled(tri);});
end = Clock::now();
auto unrolledLoop = end - start;
cout << "Barycenter difference (should be a zero vector): " << trianglesBarycenter - trianglesBarycenterUnrolled << endl;
outFile << MAX_TRIANGLES << " " << forLoop.count() << " " << unrolledLoop.count() << "\n";
return 0;
该示例由 Point 类型和 Triangle 类型组成。基准计算是三角形重心的计算。可以通过 for 循环来完成:
for (const auto& point : triangle)
barycenter += point;
barycenter /= 3.;
return barycenter;
barycenter += triangle[0];
barycenter += triangle[1];
barycenter += triangle[2];
barycenter /= 3.;
return barycenter;
./main 6
产生 10^6 个三角形。三角形的数量范围从 100 到 1e06。主程序创建“results.dat”文件。为了分析结果,我编写了一个小的 Python 脚本:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
results = np.loadtxt("results.dat")
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ratio = results[:,1] / results[:,2]
print("Speedup factors unrolled loop / for loop: ")
l1 = ax1.plot(results[:,0], results[:,1], label="for loop", color='red')
l2 = ax1.plot(results[:,0], results[:,2], label="unrolled loop", color='black')
l3 = ax2.plot(results[:,0], ratio, label="speedup ratio", color='green')
lines = [l1, l2, l3];
ax1.set_ylabel("CPU count")
ax2.set_ylabel("relative speedup: unrolled loop / for loop")
ax1.legend(loc="center right")
ax2.legend(loc="center left")
g++ -std=c++1y -O3 -Wall -pedantic -pthread main.cpp -o main
要绘制不同重心函数的测量 CPU 时间,请执行 python 脚本(我称之为
for i in {1..6}; do ./main $i; done
循环之间的相对加速(for循环时间/展开循环时间)将随着三角形集的大小而增加。这个结论可以从一个逻辑得出:如果展开的循环比 for 循环快,则执行大量展开的循环应该比执行大量的 for 循环更快。这是由上述 python 脚本生成的结果图:
循环展开的影响很快就消失了。一旦我使用超过 100 个三角形,似乎没有区别。查看 python 脚本计算的加速比:
[ 3.13502399 2.40828402 1.15045831 1.0197221 1.1042312 1.26175165
使用 100 个三角形(列表中的 3d 位置对应于 10^2)时的加速比为 1.15。
我来这里是为了找出我做错了什么,因为这里一定有问题,恕我直言。:) 提前致谢。
编辑:绘制 cachegrind 缓存未命中率
for input in {2..6}; do valgrind --tool=cachegrind ./main $input; done
,代表以下数据的数字列表,取自cachegrind 手册:
Cachegrind 收集以下统计信息(用于每个统计信息的缩写在括号中给出):
I cache reads (Ir, which equals the number of instructions executed), I1 cache read misses (I1mr) and LL cache instruction read
未命中 (ILmr)。
D cache reads (Dr, which equals the number of memory reads), D1 cache read misses (D1mr), and LL cache data read misses (DLmr). D cache writes (Dw, which equals the number of memory writes), D1 cache write misses (D1mw), and LL cache data write misses (DLmw). Conditional branches executed (Bc) and conditional branches mispredicted (Bcm). Indirect branches executed (Bi) and indirect branches mispredicted (Bim).
并且“组合”缓存未命中率定义为:(ILmr + DLmr + DLmw) / (Ir + Dr + Dw)
for file in cache*; do cg_annotate $file | grep TOTALS >> program-totals.dat; done
sed -i 's/PROGRAM TOTALS//'g program-totals.dat
然后可以使用以下 python 脚本可视化生成的数据:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
import locale
totalInput = [totalInput.strip().split(' ') for totalInput in open('program-totals.dat','r')]
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8' )
totals = []
for line in totalInput:
totals.append([locale.atoi(item) for item in line])
totals = np.array(totals)
# Assumed default output format
# Ir I1mr ILmr Dr Dmr DLmr Dw D1mw DLmw
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
cacheMissRatios = (totals[:,2] + totals[:,5] + totals[:,8]) / (totals[:,0] + totals[:,3] + totals[:,6])
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
results = np.loadtxt("results.dat")
l1 = ax1.plot(results[:,0], cacheMissRatios, label="Cachegrind combined cache miss ratio", color='black', marker='x')
l1 = ax1.plot(results[:,0], results[:,1] / results[:,2], label="Execution speedup", color='blue', marker='o')
ax1.set_ylabel("Cachegrind combined cache miss ratio")
ax1.set_xlabel("Number of triangles")
ax1.legend(loc="center left")
因此,在展开三角形访问循环时,绘制组合的 LL 未命中率与程序加速比,得到下图:
并且似乎对 LL 错误率存在依赖性:随着它的上升,程序的加速下降。但是,我仍然看不到瓶颈的明确原因。
综合 LL 未命中率是否适合分析?看看 valgrind 的输出,据报道所有的未命中率都低于 5%,这应该还不错吧?