I'm trying to develop with a complete mean stack (mean.js). I'm learning so maybe this question is a basic one. I spent so many days reading about different routing types in my frontend (angularjs). I found differences between ng-route and ui-router, the last one is a 3rd party module and has some clear advantages. I read in internet that if I use "ui-sref" I get a generated html for my state and an "href" tag. I understand this, but I searched a lot and I didn't find anything about "ui-route" what is used for?

I installed the official article example provided in meanjs http://meanjs.org/ and I have this that I cant understand.

    <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right" data-ng-hide="authentication.user">
        <li ui-route="/signup" ng-class="{active: $uiRoute}">
            <a href="/#!/signup">Sign Up</a>
        <li class="divider-vertical"></li>
        <li ui-route="/signin" ng-class="{active: $uiRoute}">
            <a href="/#!/signin">Sign In</a>

What is ui-route in combination with ng-class for? Is always necessary that

Thank you


1 回答 1


Both are a subset of Angular-UI, which has libraries that provide functionality beyond core angular. Both generate hrefs.

ui-sref is part of ui-router, a routing plugin

ui-route is part of ui-utils, a toolkit with a bunch of extra methods. It also creates a boolean $uiRoute for each element that you can match against, making things like active tabs easier to code. See http://angular-ui.github.io/ui-utils/ for more documentation.

So if you're using ui-router and ui-utils in your project, you could use either approach. Otherwise you can pick and choose as needed.

于 2014-11-26T17:03:59.800 回答