-将结构扩展到五天(我一直在一天工作):我考虑过将slottimes的天数(5 * 10),然后调整输出!有没有更好的办法?
include "globals.mzn";include "alldifferent.mzn";
int: Students; % number of students
int: Exams; % number of exams
int: Rooms; % number of rooms
int: Slotstime; % number of slots
int: Days; % a period i.e. five days
int: Exam_max_duration; % the maximum length of any exam (in slots)
array[1..Rooms] of int : Rooms_capacity;
array[1..Exams] of int : Exams_duration; % the duration of written test
array[1..Slotstime, 1..Rooms] of 0..1: Unavailability;
array[1..Students,1..Exams] of 0..1: Enrollments;
Enrollments 会跟踪每个学生的注册情况;从中我得到将要参加考试的学生人数,以便根据容量选择合适的房间
array[1..Slotstime,1..Rooms] of var 0..Exams: Timetable_exams;
array[1..Exams] of var 1..Rooms: ExamsRoom;
array[1..Exams] of var 1..Slotstime: ExamsStart;
% Calculate the number of subscribers and assign classroom
% according to time and capacity
constraint forall (e in 1..Exams,r in 1..Rooms,s in 1..Slotstime)
(if Rooms_capacity[r] <= sum([bool2int(Enrollments[st,e]>0)| st in 1..Students])
then Timetable_exams[s,r] != e
else true
% Unavailability OK
constraint forall(c in 1..Slotstime, p in 1..Rooms)
(if Unavailability[c,p] == 1
then Timetable_exams[c,p] = 0
else true
% Assignment exams according with rooms and slotstimes (Thanks Hakan)
constraint forall(e in 1..Exams) % for each exam
(exists(r in 1..Rooms) % find a room
( ExamsRoom[e] = r /\ % assign the room to the exam
forall(t in 0..Exams_duration[e]-1)
% assign the exam to the slotstimes and room in the timetable
(Timetable_exams[t+ExamsStart[e],r] = e)
/\ % ensure that we have the correct number of exam slots
sum(Exams_duration) = sum([bool2int(Timetable_exams[t,r]>0) | t in 1..Slotstime,
r in 1..Rooms]);
solve satisfy;
% solve::int_search([Timetable_exams[s, a] | s in 1..Slotstime, a in
% 1..Rooms],first_fail,indomain_min,complete) satisfy;
output ["\n" ++ "MiniZinc paper: Exams schedule " ++ "\n" ]
++["\nDay I \n"]++
if r=1 then "\n" else " " endif ++
| t in 1..Slotstime div Days, r in 1..Rooms
++["\n\nDay II \n"]++
if r=1 then "\n" else " " endif ++
| t in 11..((Slotstime div Days)*2), r in 1..Rooms
++["\n\nDay III \n"]++
if r=1 then "\n" else " " endif ++
| t in 21..((Slotstime div Days)*3), r in 1..Rooms
++["\n\nDay IV \n"]++
if r=1 then "\n" else " " endif ++
| t in 31..((Slotstime div Days)*4), r in 1..Rooms
++["\n\nDay V \n"]++
if r=1 then "\n" else " " endif ++
| t in 41..Slotstime, r in 1..Rooms
++[ "\n"]++
"\nExams_Room: ", show(ExamsRoom), "\n",
"Exams_Start: ", show(ExamsStart), "\n",
++["Participants: "]++
if e=Exams then " " else " " endif ++
show (sum([bool2int(Enrollments[st,e]>0)| st in 1..Students]))
|e in 1..Exams
% Exams
Exams = 5;
Exams_duration = [4,1,2,3,2];
% Rooms
Rooms = 4;
Rooms_capacity = [20,30,40,50];
Unavailability = [|0,0,0,0 % Rooms rows % Slotstime columns
% End first day
% End secon day
% End third day
% End fourth day
%End fifth day
Enrollments= [|1,0,1,0,1 % Exams rows %Students columns