我试图在 CakePHP 上编码时将一个对象或一个数组转储到调试中。我一直在尝试各种命令,但老实说,我已经忘记了各种输出。我肯定看到了一个指示对象类型(CakeEmail)的输出,并且我看到了一个数组。不幸的是,我无法重新创建其中任何一个。
public function _sendEmail($template, $replace_content, $to, $from = null)
App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email');
$this->Email = new CakeEmail();
//Preparation of variables to insert into Email
//Debugger::log($this->Email); //Worked - Shows certain output in file
//Debugger::dump($this->Email); //Partial - Did not show any output in file, but did not fail to run.
//Debugger::trace($this->Email); //Partial - Did not show any output in file, but did not fail to run.
//Debugger::debug($this->Email); //Failed - function did NOT continue
//dump($this->Email); //FAILED
//trace($this->Email); //FAILED
//debug($this->Email); //Partial - Did not show any output in file, but did not fail to run.
//Debugger::log(">>log: ".$this->Email); //unable to show variable. Only heading string was output to file
//Debugger::dump(">>dump: ".$this->Email); //Partial - Did not show any output in file, but did not fail to run.
//Debugger::trace(">>trace: ".$this->Email); //NOT TESTED
//Debugger::log(Debugger::dump($this->Email)); //Worked - Shows certain output in file - dump returns NULL
//Debugger::log(">>log: headers: ".Debugger::dump($this->Email->getHeaders())); //Worked - Shows certain output in file - dump returns NULL
//Debugger::log(">>log: headers: ".Debugger::dump($Email->getHeaders())); //FAILED - Undefined variable
include 'dkim.php';
$newHeader = AddDKIM($from_email, $to, $subject, $content);
if (!empty($newHeader)) {
Debugger::log ("newHeader is: $newHeader\n;Adding it to email.");
$emailHeaders = $this->Email->getHeaders();
Debugger::log ($emailHeaders);
//$emailHeaders = $newHeader.emailHeaders;
debug ($emailHeaders);
Debugger::log ("No new Header to Add.");