public bool IsGroup { get { return !this.GroupName.IsNullOrTrimEmpty(); } }
public static bool IsRequiredWithLengthLessThanOrEqualNoSpecial(this String str, int length)
return !str.IsNullOrTrimEmpty() &&
@"^[- \r\n\\\.!:*,@$%&""?\(\)\w']{1,{0}}$".RegexReplace(@"\{0\}", length.ToString()),
RegexOptions.Multiline) == str;
public static class StringHelpers
/// <summary>
/// Same as String.IsNullOrEmpty except that
/// it captures the Empty state for whitespace
/// strings by Trimming first.
/// </summary>
public static bool IsNullOrTrimEmpty(this String helper)
if (helper == null)
return true;
return String.Empty == helper.Trim();
public static int TrimLength(this String helper)
return helper.Trim().Length;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the matched string from the regex pattern. The
/// groupName is for named group match values in the form (?<name>group).
/// </summary>
public static string RegexMatch(this String helper, string pattern, RegexOptions options, string groupName)
if (groupName.IsNullOrTrimEmpty())
return Regex.Match(helper, pattern, options).Value;
return Regex.Match(helper, pattern, options).Groups[groupName].Value;
public static string RegexMatch(this String helper, string pattern)
return RegexMatch(helper, pattern, RegexOptions.None, null);
public static string RegexMatch(this String helper, string pattern, RegexOptions options)
return RegexMatch(helper, pattern, options, null);
public static string RegexMatch(this String helper, string pattern, string groupName)
return RegexMatch(helper, pattern, RegexOptions.None, groupName);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if there is a match from the regex pattern
/// </summary>
public static bool IsRegexMatch(this String helper, string pattern, RegexOptions options)
return helper.RegexMatch(pattern, options).Length > 0;
public static bool IsRegexMatch(this String helper, string pattern)
return helper.IsRegexMatch(pattern, RegexOptions.None);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a string where matching patterns are replaced by the replacement string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pattern">The regex pattern for matching the items to be replaced</param>
/// <param name="replacement">The string to replace matching items</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string RegexReplace(this String helper, string pattern, string replacement, RegexOptions options)
return Regex.Replace(helper, pattern, replacement, options);
public static string RegexReplace(this String helper, string pattern, string replacement)
return Regex.Replace(helper, pattern, replacement, RegexOptions.None);
我喜欢做很多正则表达式,所以我认为这些比添加 using 语句和额外代码来处理命名组更容易。