I am trying to implement screen mirroring onTV using a wifi dongle for windows 8.1 tablet. I used the projectionmanager class provided by microsoft, but for some reason its not able to detect the secondary display. Following is the code:
bool available = ProjectionManager.ProjectionDisplayAvailable;
ProjectionManager.ProjectionDisplayAvailableChanged += (s, e) =>
available = ProjectionManager.ProjectionDisplayAvailable;
int thisviewid = ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView().Id;
// CoreDispatcher preseDispatcher= await ((App)App.Current).CreateNewView;
ApplicationView appView = ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView();
CoreApplicationView view = CoreApplication.CreateNewView();
ApplicationView newAppView = ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView();
await view.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,() =>
Window newWindow = Window.Current;
var rootframe = new Frame();
Window.Current.Content = rootframe;
await ProjectionManager.StartProjectingAsync(newAppView.Id, appView.Id);
when I debugged the code, the ProjectionsDisplayAvailable value remains false. Not sure how to proceed on the same or make this working