Hey there I'm working on a textgenerator, that should generate millions of different texts. to make the content of each text realistic I used Zipf's Law It is working well, the word distribution is correct.

But the following next() function is executing very slow and since I want to generate millions of articles it has to be changed. (The while loop is the slow part)

Can someone help me with this?

I implemented it like this:

   public int next() {

    int rank;
    double frequency = 0;
    double dice;

    rank = rnd.nextInt(size);
    frequency = (1.0d / Math.pow(rank, this.skew)) / this.bottom;
    dice = rnd.nextDouble();

    while (!(dice < frequency) || (rank == 0)) {
        rank = rnd.nextInt(size);
        frequency = (1.0d / Math.pow(rank, this.skew)) / this.bottom;
        dice = rnd.nextDouble();

    return rank;

EDIT: I obtainded the code from : http://diveintodata.org/2009/09/13/zipf-distribution-generator-in-java/


3 回答 3



rank = rnd.nextInt(size);
friquency = (1.0d / Math.pow(rank, this.skew)) / this.bottom;


我试图纠正这些错误,但没有分析实现,也没有将其与Zipf 分布函数的定义进行比较。所以如果有人复制我的代码,他可能会发现它仍然“......有一些问题”

next严格来说,函数的实现并不“完全正确”,因为它不一定会终止。没有什么可以阻止循环永远运行。根据参数的不同,它可能或多或少需要一段时间才能终止。而且我认为这也是您的“性能”问题的主要原因之一:对于某些价值观,这种情况(dice < frequency)不太可能发生......


实现此目的的一种简单而通用的方法是将(累积的)概率分布映射到目标值NavigableMap。然后可以使用此映射快速查找目标值,给定一个java.util.Random实例提供的介于 0.0 和 1.0 之间的随机值。


我在这里为 Zipf 发行版实现了这个。同样,我没有详细验证所有内容,并且有一些+1/-1奇怪的东西(在第一段中提到),但它应该显示这个想法:FastZipfGenerator填充包含概率分布的地图,并且在next()函数中,只执行查找:

import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.TreeMap;

public class ZipfGeneratorTest
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int size = 10;
        double skew = 2.0;

        ZipfGenerator z0 = new ZipfGenerator(size, skew);
        FastZipfGenerator z1 = new FastZipfGenerator(size, skew);

        long before = 0;
        long after = 0;

        int n = 5000000;

        before = System.nanoTime();
        Map<Integer, Integer> counts0 = computeCounts(z0, size, n);
        after = System.nanoTime();
        System.out.println(counts0+", duration "+(after-before)/1e6);

        before = System.nanoTime();
        Map<Integer, Integer> counts1 = computeCounts(z1, size, n);
        after = System.nanoTime();
        System.out.println(counts1+", duration "+(after-before)/1e6);

    private static Map<Integer, Integer> computeCounts(
        ZipfGenerator z, int size, int n)
        Map<Integer, Integer> counts = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Integer>();
        for (int i=1; i<=size; i++)
            counts.put(i, 0);
        for (int i=1; i<=n; i++)
            int k = z.next();
            counts.put(k, counts.get(k)+1);
        return counts;

    private static Map<Integer, Integer> computeCounts(
        FastZipfGenerator z, int size, int n)
        Map<Integer, Integer> counts = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Integer>();
        for (int i=1; i<=size; i++)
            counts.put(i, 0);
        for (int i=1; i<=n; i++)
            int k = z.next();
            counts.put(k, counts.get(k)+1);
        return counts;


// Based on http://diveintodata.org/tag/zipf/
class ZipfGenerator {
    private Random rnd = new Random(0);
    private int size;
    private double skew;
    private double bottom = 0;

    public ZipfGenerator(int size, double skew) {
        this.size = size;
        this.skew = skew;

        for(int i=1;i <=size; i++) {
            this.bottom += (1/Math.pow(i, this.skew));

    // the next() method returns an random rank id.
    // The frequency of returned rank ids are follows Zipf distribution.
    public int next() {
        int rank;
        double friquency = 0;
        double dice;

        rank = rnd.nextInt(size)+1;
        friquency = (1.0d / Math.pow(rank, this.skew)) / this.bottom;
        dice = rnd.nextDouble();

        while(!(dice < friquency)) {
            rank = rnd.nextInt(size)+1;
            friquency = (1.0d / Math.pow(rank, this.skew)) / this.bottom;
            dice = rnd.nextDouble();

        return rank;

    // This method returns a probability that the given rank occurs.
    public double getProbability(int rank) {
        return (1.0d / Math.pow(rank, this.skew)) / this.bottom;

class FastZipfGenerator
    private Random random = new Random(0);
    private NavigableMap<Double, Integer> map;

    FastZipfGenerator(int size, double skew)
        map = computeMap(size, skew);

    private static NavigableMap<Double, Integer> computeMap(
        int size, double skew)
        NavigableMap<Double, Integer> map = 
            new TreeMap<Double, Integer>();

        double div = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i <= size; i++)
            div += (1 / Math.pow(i, skew));

        double sum = 0;
        for(int i=1; i<=size; i++)
            double p = (1.0d / Math.pow(i, skew)) / div;
            sum += p;
            map.put(sum,  i-1);
        return map;

    public int next()
        double value = random.nextDouble();
        return map.ceilingEntry(value).getValue()+1;



duration 6221.835052
duration 304.761282


于 2014-11-24T15:25:52.463 回答


这是快速修复。(1) 在构造函数 ZipfGeneator(int,double) 中,确保使用等号计算最大大小。

public ZipfGenerator(int size, double skew) {
  this.size = size;
  this.skew = skew;

  for(int i=1;i <= size; i++) {
  this.bottom += (1/Math.pow(i, this.skew));

(2) 更换

rank = rnd.nextInt(size); 

rank = rnd.nextInt(size)+1; 


import java.util.Random;

//credit: https://diveintodata.org/2009/09/13/zipf-distribution-generator-in-java/ [Online; December 2017]

public class ZipfGenerator {
 private Random rnd = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
 private int size;
 private double skew;
 private double bottom = 0;

 public ZipfGenerator(int size, double skew) {
  this.size = size;
  this.skew = skew;

  for(int i=1;i <= size; i++) {
  this.bottom += (1/Math.pow(i, this.skew));

 // the next() method returns an random rank id.
 // The frequency of returned rank ids are follows Zipf distribution.
 public int next() {
   int rank;
   double friquency = 0;
   double dice;

   rank = rnd.nextInt(size)+1;
   friquency = (1.0d / Math.pow(rank, this.skew)) / this.bottom;
   dice = rnd.nextDouble();

   while(!(dice < friquency)) {
     rank = rnd.nextInt(size)+1;
     friquency = (1.0d / Math.pow(rank, this.skew)) / this.bottom;
     dice = rnd.nextDouble();

   return rank;

 // This method returns a probability that the given rank occurs.
 public double getProbability(int rank) {
   return (1.0d / Math.pow(rank, this.skew)) / this.bottom;

 public static void main(String[] args) {
   if(args.length != 2) {
     System.out.println("usage: ./zipf size skew");

   ZipfGenerator zipf = new ZipfGenerator(Integer.valueOf(args[0]),
   for(int i= 1;i <= 10; i++) {
     System.out.println(i+" "+zipf.getProbability(i));
   //use size = 10 and skew = 2 for testing below
   int hist [] = new int [12];
   for(int i=0;i<12;i++) {
       hist[i] = 0;
   System.out.println("Testing the probability distribution:");
   int sum = 0;
    for(int i= 1;i <= 1000000; i++) {
   for(int i=0;i<12;i++)
     System.out.println(i+" "+hist[i]/1000000.0);



Probability distribution from the formula:
1 0.6452579827864142
2 0.16131449569660355
3 0.07169533142071269
4 0.04032862392415089
5 0.02581031931145657
6 0.017923832855178172
7 0.013168530260947229
8 0.010082155981037722
9 0.007966147935634743
10 0.006452579827864143
Testing the probability distribution from sampling:
0 0.0
1 0.645813
2 0.160766
3 0.071527
4 0.040346
5 0.026039
6 0.01801
7 0.013215
8 0.009953
9 0.007863
10 0.006468
11 0.0

请注意,0 和 11 的概率为 0,正如预期的那样。

于 2017-12-21T02:14:54.057 回答


public int next() {
    while (true) {
        int rank = rnd.nextInt(size);
        if (rank == 0) return return rank;
        double frequency = (1.0d / Math.pow(rank, this.skew)) / this.bottom;
        double dice = rnd.nextDouble();
        if (dice < frequency) return rank;


double frequency = Math.pow(rank, -this.skew) * inverseBottom;


double frequency = Math.exp(ln[rank] * -this.skew) * inverseBottom;


于 2014-11-24T18:23:36.783 回答