我正在Instagram API为客户进行测试,并且仅将我的个人帐户用于测试目的。

我在instagr.am/developer/上注册了一个应用程序。当他们询问我的电话号码时,我只是给了他们一个随机的数字序列,因为我不希望他们拥有我的号码。然后,当我尝试继续注册客户时,他们说我必须您必须验证您的电话号码才能创建客户 ID。

我厌倦了Instagram profile用正确的电话号码编辑我的号码,但它再次要求我在那里输入安全码。而且我的手机上没有收到任何东西。我输入了我的号码00 [country code]+[country code]



3 回答 3



编辑:我只是设法使它工作,使用此链接:http : //sms-verification.com/rec/%2B4796667263.php 它使您可以访问挪威号码(+4796667263)并向您显示短信。在尝试了葡萄牙每个运营商的几个号码但仍然没有得到回应后,我注意到人们正在使用它来验证 Instagram,所以我作为最后的手段尝试了它,它出乎意料地奏效了!

于 2014-11-24T15:33:46.003 回答

I was getting the same error too and I found this answer on another website:

'What Instagram should tell you is that you need to add your country's dialing code. For me in australia I'd enter +61xxxxxxxxxx. In America it would be +1 followed by your phone number. DO NOT ADD SPACES, BE SURE TO ADD THE +'

However, if you have already put your mobile number and you did so incorrectly, like I did, then all you need to do is log into instagram.com/developer from a NEW browser.

I initially was using Google Chrome, and I tried logging out then logging back, refreshing but each time still got the security code check. So I couldn't enter my mobile number in again.

I then tried logging in via Safari and surprisingly it gave me the mobile verification option, so I added my number in correctly this time and within a few seconds got my 'verification code'.

Hope that helps!

于 2015-01-16T00:50:43.087 回答

编辑您的 Instagram 个人资料并在那里更新电话号码。

于 2014-11-24T13:09:48.087 回答