I have an android (non-game) app that I want to implement cloud backup for. I've looked at the Backup API but found it limited as the actual backup and restore backend processes are controlled by the phone manufacture and Google. I also want to allow the user to manually backup and restore when they want.

There is the new Google Play Games Saved Game service which offers what I'm looking for but my app is not a game.

Has anyone implemented the Saved Game service for a non-game app and can offer some advice on it's suitability? Otherwise, does anyone know whether Google will allow this approach (using the game service for non-game app)?



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听起来更好的解决方案是使用 Google Drive API。具体来说,存储应用程序数据的能力。来自开发者文档:

“应用程序数据文件夹”是一个特殊文件夹,只能由您的应用程序访问。它的内容对用户和其他应用程序都是隐藏的。尽管对用户隐藏,应用程序数据文件夹存储在用户的驱动器上,因此使用用户的驱动器存储配额。Application Data 文件夹可用于存储配置文件、保存的游戏数据或用户不应篡改的任何其他类型的文件。

请参阅:https ://developers.google.com/drive/web/appdata

于 2014-11-25T01:08:34.137 回答