I am trying to read raima database of Clearcase. The db directory is copied from the vob storage and renamd to vob_db. The location where the vob_db is present, there exists the VOB_DB.java file and dependent dlls and jar file. In fact they were copied from below zip file that contains sample program


Below java code ( VOB_DB.java ) is written just to open an close database.

import java.sql.*;

public class VOB_DB {
    public static void main (String[] args) throws SQLException {
    Connection Conn = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:raima:rdm://local");
    Statement Stmt = Conn.createStatement ();
    Stmt.execute ("OPEN DATABASE vob_db");
    Stmt.close ();
    Conn.close ();        

The above code compiles successfully. But when I run it throws below message.

Error: Could not find or load main class JAVA_DB

I am really not sure what wrong is with the program or is there anything missing in it or any dependancy is not set.


1 回答 1


我不会告诉你该怎么做,但直接访问 ClearCase Raima 数据库会带来很大的麻烦。如果您的公司的知识产权存储在那里,您就不会想要这样做。

对于您想要使用 ClearCase 执行的几乎所有操作,都有可用的 API 和命令行选项。

此外,用于 ClearCase 的 Raima 数据库也不是 100% 现成的。还有许多未记录的附加功能。

于 2016-06-27T23:29:00.583 回答