首先,我正在尝试编写一个普通的、简单的 Ray Tracer。在我的 Ray Tracer 中,我在世界上有多种类型的几何图形,它们都派生自一个名为“SceneObject”的基类。我在这里包含了它的标题。

Interface for all objects that will appear in a scene
class SceneObject
 mat4 M, M_inv;
 Color c;


 The transformation matrix to be applied to all points
 of this object.  Identity leaves the object in world frame.
 void setMatrix(mat4 M);
 void setMatrix(MatrixStack mStack);
 void getMatrix(mat4& M);

 The color of the object
 void setColor(Color c);
 void getColor(Color& c);

 Alter one portion of the color, leaving
 the rest as they were.
 void setDiffuse(vec3 rgb);
 void setSpecular(vec3 rgb);
 void setEmission(vec3 rgb);
 void setAmbient(vec3 rgb);
 void setShininess(double s);

 Fills 'inter' with information regarding an intersection between
 this object and 'ray'.  Ray should be in world frame.
 virtual void intersect(Intersection& inter, Ray ray) = 0;

 Returns a copy of this SceneObject
 virtual SceneObject* clone()  = 0;

 Print information regarding this SceneObject for debugging
 virtual void print() = 0;

如您所见,我已经包含了几个要在其他地方实现的虚函数。在这种情况下,我只有两个派生类——Sphere 和 Triangle,它们都实现了缺少的成员函数。最后,我有一个 Parser 类,其中充满了执行实际“光线追踪”部分的静态方法。这是相关部分的几个片段

void Parser::trace(Camera cam, Scene scene, string outputFile, int maxDepth) {
 int width = cam.getNumXPixels();
 int height = cam.getNumYPixels();
 vector<vector<vec3>> colors;
 for (int i = 0; i< width; i++) {
  vector<vec3> ys;
  for (int j = 0; j<height; j++) {
   Intersection intrsct; 
   Ray ray; cam.getRay(ray, i, j);
   vec3 color;
   printf("Obtaining color for Ray[%d,%d]\n", i,j);
   getColor(color, scene, ray, maxDepth);
 printImage(colors, width, height, outputFile);

void Parser::getColor(vec3& color, Scene scene, Ray ray, int numBounces)
 Intersection inter; scene.intersect(inter,ray);
  Color c; inter.getColor(c);
 } else {
  color = vec3(0,0,0);

现在,我放弃了真正的光线追踪部分,而是简单地返回第一个命中对象的颜色,如果有的话。毫无疑问,您已经注意到,计算机知道射线与对象相交的唯一方法是通过我也包括在内的 Scene.intersect()。使用的成员变量是“向量对象”见结尾

好的,现在解决问题。我首先创建一个场景并用 Parser::trace() 方法之外的对象填充它。现在由于一些奇怪的原因,我为 i=j=0 投射了 Ray,一切都运行得很好。但是,当第二条射线被投射时,存储在我的场景中的所有对象都不再识别它们的 vfptr(也就是说,我仍然可以访问所有的 SceneObject 方法,除了那些虚拟的方法)!我使用调试器单步执行代码,发现所有 vfptr 的信息在 getColor() 结束和循环继续之间的某处丢失。但是,如果我将 getColor() 的参数更改为使用 Scene& 而不是 Scene,则不会发生任何损失。这是什么疯狂的巫术?


#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#include "Intersection.h"
#include "LightSource.h"
#include "SceneObject.h"

using namespace std;

Contains a list of scene objects.  A ray can be 
intersected with a scene to find its color
class Scene
    vector<SceneObject*> objects;
    vector<LightSource*> lights;


    Add an object to the scene
    void addObject(SceneObject& o);

    Add a light source to the scene
    void addLight(LightSource& l);

    Fill 'l' with all light sources in the scene
    void getLightSources(vector<LightSource*>& l);

    Fills 'i' with information regarding an
    intersection with the closest object in the scene
    IF there is an intersection.  Check i.isIntersecting()
    to see if an intersection was actually found.
    void intersect(Intersection& i, Ray r);

    void print();

#include "Scene.h"


    for(int i=0;i<objects.size();i++){
        delete objects[i];
    for(int i=0;i<lights.size();i++){
        delete lights[i];

void Scene::addObject(SceneObject& o)

void Scene::addLight(LightSource& l)

void Scene::getLightSources(vector<LightSource*>& l)
    l = lights;

void Scene::intersect(Intersection& i, Ray r)
    Intersection result;

    double oldDist; result.getDistance(oldDist);

    /* Cycle through all objects, making result
    the closest one */
    for(int ind=0; ind<objects.size(); ind++){
        SceneObject* thisObj = objects[ind];
        Intersection betterIntersect;
        thisObj->intersect(betterIntersect, r);

        double newDist; betterIntersect.getDistance(newDist);
        if (newDist < oldDist){
            result = betterIntersect;
            oldDist = newDist;

    i = result;

void Scene::print()
    printf("%d Objects:\n", objects.size());
    for(int i=0;i<objects.size();i++){

1 回答 1


问题是你SceneObjects在析构函数中删除了你的,Scene并使用了默认的复制构造函数,它使用指针向量进行平面复制。这意味着, a 的每个副本都Scene引用相同的SceneObjects. 如果这些Scenes 之一被销毁,它们都将丢失其引用的对象。如果您通过引用传递场景,这没有问题,因为在这种情况下,不会制作副本并随后将其销毁。

于 2010-04-25T10:50:15.950 回答