我目前一直在测试一些在互联网上找到的关于通过我的 android 手机上的 NFC 发送 NDEF 消息的示例。

我用三部手机测试了这款手机:Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Android 4.4.4)、S3 (Android 4.4.2) 和 S4 (Android 4.4.4)。

该应用程序在 GN 上以我希望的方式完美运行(它发送消息),但是在 S3 和 S4 上它发送应用程序的包名称而不是消息。

有人可以帮我吗?有谁知道为什么或如何解决这个问题?我对 Android 开发人员很陌生,并不完全理解它为什么这样做。


package tapit.cbstech.com.tap_it_3;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.nfc.NfcAdapter;
import android.os.Bundle;

import android.content.Intent;
import android.nfc.NdefMessage;
import android.nfc.NdefRecord;
import android.nfc.NfcAdapter.CreateNdefMessageCallback;
import android.nfc.NfcEvent;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class main extends Activity implements CreateNdefMessageCallback {
    NfcAdapter mNfcAdapter;
    TextView textView;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView);
        // Check for available NFC Adapter
        mNfcAdapter = NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(this);
        if (mNfcAdapter == null) {
            Toast.makeText(this, "NFC is not available", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        // Register callback
        mNfcAdapter.setNdefPushMessageCallback(this, this);

    public NdefMessage createNdefMessage(NfcEvent event) {
        String text = ("abcdefghi");
        NdefMessage msg = new NdefMessage(
                new NdefRecord[] { NdefRecord.createMime("text/plain", text.getBytes()),
                         * The Android Application Record (AAR) is commented out. When a device
                         * receives a push with an AAR in it, the application specified in the AAR
                         * is guaranteed to run. The AAR overrides the tag dispatch system.
                         * You can add it back in to guarantee that this
                         * activity starts when receiving a beamed message. For now, this code
                         * uses the tag dispatch system.
                        //NdefRecord.createApplicationRecord("hello test")
        return msg;

    public void onResume() {
        // Check to see that the Activity started due to an Android Beam
        if (NfcAdapter.ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED.equals(getIntent().getAction())) {

    public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
        // onResume gets called after this to handle the intent

     * Parses the NDEF Message from the intent and prints to the TextView
    void processIntent(Intent intent) {
        textView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView);
        Parcelable[] rawMsgs = intent.getParcelableArrayExtra(
        NdefMessage msg = (NdefMessage) rawMsgs[0];
        textView.setText(new String(msg.getRecords()[0].getPayload()));

在 GNexus 上我得到“abcdefghi”,但在 S3 和 S4 上我得到“tapit.cbstech.com.tap_it_3”


编辑:在朋友 S3 上测试并执行相同的操作(发送包名称)并在另一个朋友 nexus 5(运行 Android L)上进行测试,它可以发送“abcdefghi”消息。


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