我希望使用特定密钥和IV值在VBScript中使用Rijndael/AES加密一些数据。有什么好的函数库或 COM 组件可以很好用吗?
我看了看CAPICOM;它只允许使用密码,并且不允许设置特定的密钥和 IV 值。
我希望使用特定密钥和IV值在VBScript中使用Rijndael/AES加密一些数据。有什么好的函数库或 COM 组件可以很好用吗?
我看了看CAPICOM;它只允许使用密码,并且不允许设置特定的密钥和 IV 值。
一种方法是在 vbscript 中声明加密类,而不需要外部添加的 COM 对象或包装器。以下示例采用字符串,使用 Rijndael 托管类进行加密和解密:
Dim obj,arr,i,r,str,enc,asc
dim bytes,bytesd,s,sc,sd
set obj=WScript.CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged")
Set asc = CreateObject("System.Text.UTF8Encoding")
s="This is a private message"
set enc=obj.CreateEncryptor()
set dec=obj.CreateDecryptor()
msgbox sc
msgbox sd
类包装在 COM 中。您还可以在 COM 中包装一些其他 AES 实现。我刚刚尝试了 SlowAES,它是 AES 的 JavaScript 实现。通过 Windows 脚本组件将其包装在 COM 中,使其可从 VBScript 调用。仅当您不能使用 .NET 方法时,我才会推荐此方法;我猜想.NET 的 AES 会比 JavaScript 中实现的 AES 更快。
在我对 COM-wrapped-SlowAEs 的测试中,我使用了 CBC 模式,并且加密与 .NET 中的 RijndaelManaged 类完全兼容。
这是WSC;我遗漏了由 SlowAES 提供的 3 个 .js 文件。您需要将它们原封不动地插入到我标记文件的位置。
<?xml version="1.0"?>
// Ionic.COM.SlowAES.wsc
// This is a Windows Script Component that exposes the SlowAES
// encryption engine via COM. This AES can be used from any
// COM-capable environment, including Javascript or VBScript.
// This code is licensed under the Microsoft Public License. See the
// accompanying License.txt file for details.
// Copyright 2009 Dino Chiesa
<component id="Ionic.Com.SlowAES">
SlowAES is a Javascript implementation of AES.
See http://code.google.com/p/slowaes.
This is a COM package for SlowAES.
<?component error="true" debug="true"?>
description="WSC Component for SlowAES"
<!-- boilerplate registration/unregistration logic -->
<script language="VBScript">
strComponent = "Ionic SlowAES"
Function Register
MsgBox strComponent & " - registered."
End Function
Function Unregister
MsgBox strComponent & " - unregistered."
End Function
<method name="EncryptString">
<parameter name="plainText"/>
<method name="DecryptBytes">
<parameter name="cipherText"/>
<method name="DecryptBytesToString">
<parameter name="cipherText"/>
<method name="DecryptHexString">
<parameter name="hexStringCipherText"/>
<method name="DecryptCommaDelimitedStringToString">
<parameter name="cipherText"/>
<property name="Key">
<property name="Mode">
<property name="IV">
<property name="KeySize">
<script language="JavaScript">
// ...insert slowAES code here... //
// defaults
var _keysize = slowAES.aes.SIZE_128;
var _mode = slowAES.modeOfOperation.CBC;
var _iv = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
var _key;
* byteArrayToHexString
* convert a byte array to hex string.
function byteArrayToHexString(a)
try { hexcase } catch(e) { hexcase=0; }
var hex_tab = hexcase ? "0123456789ABCDEF" : "0123456789abcdef";
var r= "";
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
var b = hex_tab.charAt((a[i] >> 4) & 0x0F) +
hex_tab.charAt(a[i] & 0x0F);
r+= b;
return r;
* hexStringToByteArray
* convert a string of hex byts to a byte array
function hexStringToByteArray(s)
var r= Array(s.length/2);
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i+=2)
r[i/2] = parseInt(s.substr(i,2),16);
return r;
function EncryptString(plainText)
var bytesToEncrypt = cryptoHelpers.convertStringToByteArray(plainText);
var result = slowAES.encrypt(bytesToEncrypt,
return result['cipher'];
function DecryptBytesToString(cipherText)
var d = DecryptBytes(cipherText);
var s = cryptoHelpers.convertByteArrayToString(d);
s[cipherText.length]= 0;
return s;
function DecryptHexString(hexStringCipherText)
var cipherText = hexStringToByteArray(hexStringCipherText);
return DecryptBytesToString(cipherText);
function DecryptCommaDelimitedStringToString(cipherText)
var c = [];
var atoms = cipherText.split(",");
for (i=0; i < atoms.length; i++)
c.push(parseInt(atoms[i], 10));
var d = DecryptBytes(c);
return cryptoHelpers.convertByteArrayToString(d);
function DecryptBytes(cipherText)
if (cipherText == undefined) return null;
var originalSize = cipherText.length;
var result = slowAES.decrypt(cipherText,
return result;
function put_Key(keyString)
_key = hexStringToByteArray(keyString);
function put_KeySize(size)
if (size == 128) _keysize = slowAES.aes.keySize.SIZE_128;
else if (size == 192) _keysize = slowAES.aes.keySize.SIZE_192;
else if (size == 256) _keysize = slowAES.aes.keySize.SIZE_256;
throw "Unsupported key size. Must be one of { 128, 192, 256 }.";
function get_KeySize()
if (_keysize == slowAES.aes.keySize.SIZE_128) return 128;
else if (_keysize == slowAES.aes.keySize.SIZE_192) return 192;
else if (_keysize == slowAES.aes.keySize.SIZE_256) return 256;
else return -1;
function put_IV(ivString)
_iv = hexStringToByteArray(ivString);
function get_IV()
return byteArrayToHexString(_iv);
function put_Mode(mode)
if (mode == "CBC") _mode= slowAES.modeOfOperation.CBC;
else if (mode == "OFB") _mode= slowAES.modeOfOperation.OFB;
else if (mode == "CFB") _mode= slowAES.modeOfOperation.CFB;
else throw "Unsupported mode. Must be one of {CBC, OFB, CFB}";
function get_Mode()
if (_mode == slowAES.modeOfOperation.CBC) return "CBC";
if (_mode == slowAES.modeOfOperation.OFB) return "OFB";
if (_mode == slowAES.modeOfOperation.CFB) return "CFB";
return "???";
将其保存到名为 SlowAES.wsc 的文件中。使用“regsvr32 SlowAES.wsc”注册它。下面是一些使用该组件的 VBScript 代码。
' '
' byteArrayToHexString'
' convert a byte array to hex string.'
' '
Function byteArrayToHexString(a)
Dim r,b,i
r = ""
For i = 0 To UBound(a)
b = Hex( (a(i) And &HF0) / 16) & Hex(a(i) And &HF)
r= r & b
byteArrayToHexString= r
End Function
' '
' hexStringToByteArray'
' convert a string of hex byts to a byte array'
' '
Function hexStringToByteArray(s)
Dim r()
ReDim r(Len(s)/2-1)
Dim x
For i = 0 To Len(s)-2 Step 2
x= "&H" & Mid(s,i+1,2)
r(i/2) = CInt(x)
hexStringToByteArray= r
End Function
Function DemoEncryption()
WScript.echo "Testing Ionic.Com.SlowAES..."
WScript.echo "key: " & byteArrayToHexString(key)
WScript.echo "iv: " & byteArrayToHexString(iv)
WScript.echo "key length: " & keyLengthInBytes & " bytes"
WScript.echo "key length: " & (keyLengthInBytes*8) & " bits"
WScript.echo "plaintext: " & plaintext
WScript.echo "plaintext.length: " & Len(plaintext)
WScript.echo "instantiate Ionic.Com.SlowAES"
Dim aes
set aes = CreateObject("Ionic.Com.SlowAES")
WScript.echo "keysize"
aes.KeySize = keyLengthInBytes * 8
WScript.echo "key"
aes.Key = byteArrayToHexString(key)
WScript.echo "iv "
aes.IV= byteArrayToHexString(iv)
WScript.echo "mode "
aes.Mode = "CBC"
WScript.echo "encrypting... "
Dim result
result= aes.EncryptString(plaintext)
' result is a comma-separated string '
' if we Eval() on it we convert it to an array '
Dim expr
expr = "Array(" & result & ")"
result= Eval( expr )
WScript.echo "Cryptotext/Eval: " & byteArrayToHexString(result)
WScript.echo "Cryptotext.length: " & UBound(result)+1
WScript.echo "decrypting... "
Dim decrypted
'The javascript way to do this is to pass the byte array.'
' Like so:'
' var decrypted = aes.DecryptBytesToString(result);'
' '
'This does not work from VBScript. So, convert to a hexstring,'
'pass the hex string, and then convert back, in the COM component.'
decrypted= aes.DecryptHexString(byteArrayToHexString(result))
WScript.echo "decrypted: " & decrypted
End Function
dim plaintext, iv, key, keyLengthInBytes
plaintext= "Hello. This is a test. of the emergency broadcasting system."
' iv must be a hexstring representation of an array of bytes, length=16'
iv = hexStringToByteArray("feedbeeffeedbeefbaadf00dbaadf00d")
' key must be a hexstring representation of an array of bytes, length=16 or 32'
key = hexStringToByteArray("cafebabe0099887766554433221100AA")
keyLengthInBytes= UBound(key)+1
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear
Call DemoEncryption
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then WScript.echo("Error: " & Err.Description)
如果您还想要基于密码的密钥派生功能,那么您可以在此处获取 PBKDF2 的非常简洁的 JavaScript 代码,并为此创建另一个 WSC,而不会太麻烦。
编辑:我做了我所描述的 - 获取 PBKDF2 的源代码并将其集成到 SlowAES 的代码中。我还在 C# 中生成了第二个独立的实现,它使用内置的 .NET 类库来执行 RFC 2898 密钥派生和 AES 加密。
结果是 3 个测试应用程序,一个在 C# 中,一个在 JavaScript 中,另一个在 VBScript 中。 源是可用的。他们都采用相同的论点。它们每个都使用符合 RFC 2898的密钥派生函数。您可以指定密码、salt、IV和明文,以及要在PBKDF2中使用的 RFC 2898 迭代次数。您可以轻松验证每个测试程序的密文是否相同。也许这个例子对某人有用。
One option would be to create a simple wrapper class in .NET for the RijndaelManaged class from the .NET framework and expose it via COM Interop so you can call it from VBScript.