I am running an agentx master and an agentx subagent on linux. When I run snmpget on a default MIB i.e. sysdescr.0 it returns fine, but when I request for a MIB that was registered through the agentx subagent it timesout. It appears that the master receives the GET request but does not forward on to the agentx subagent. The MIB is registered successfully but when master agentx receives the GET request it saying "Sending 60 bytes to UDP: unknown". It can't find the location to forward to.

Am I missing a configuration of some sort on the subagent side? How does the master know who is suppose to receive the requests?


2 回答 2


默认情况下,AgentX 协议使用 TCP 端口 705。主代理侦听此端口,子代理将注册发送到此端口 - 主代理然后知道谁注册了。

你没有提到它,你使用net-snmp吗?如果是这样,请参阅代理常见问题解答 12 - 如何使用不同的套接字地址运行 AgentX?.

于 2010-04-26T18:17:58.410 回答


像这样运行 snmp 守护进程:

/usr/sbin/snmpd -f -Lo -C --rwcommunity=public --master=agentx


于 2012-06-28T14:21:16.120 回答