对不起,标题有点令人困惑,但这是我可以在不占用太多空间的情况下解释它的最佳方式。请原谅我的格式,我对stackoverflow很陌生。这是问题所在,我为 C++ SDK 的 C# 包装器找到了一些示例代码。使用 SDK 的程序称为 ActiveWorlds。代码在这里:

using System;
using AW;
namespace GreeterBotCSharp
    class GreeterBot
        /// <summary>
        /// Main entry point into the GreeterBot program.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Command line arguments.</param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Prompt the user for their citizen number.
            Console.Write("Enter citizen number: ");
            int citizenNumber = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            //Prompt the user for their privilege password.
            Console.Write("Enter privilege password: ");
            string privilegePassword = Console.ReadLine();

            //Prompt the user for a world to enter.
            Console.Write("Enter a world name: ");
            string world = Console.ReadLine();

            //Create a new copy of the GreeterBot and run it.
            GreeterBot bot = new GreeterBot();
            bot.Run(citizenNumber, privilegePassword, world);

        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a new GreeterBot with the specified owner and privilege password.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owner">The citizen number of the person who owns the bot.</param>
        /// <param name="password">The privilege password of the person who owns the bot.</param>
        /// <param name="world">The name of the world to greet in.</param>
        private void Run(int owner, string password, string world)
                //Create a new instance and set events
                Instance greeterBot = new Instance();
                greeterBot.EventAvatarAdd += new Instance.Event(greeterBot_EventAvatarAdd);

                //Log the instance into the ActiveWorlds universe
                    greeterBot.SetInt(Attributes.LoginOwner, owner);
                    greeterBot.SetString(Attributes.LoginPrivilegePassword, password);
                    greeterBot.SetString(Attributes.LoginName, "GreeterBot");
                catch (InstanceException ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to login (Reason: {0}).", Utility.ReturnCodes[ex.ErrorCode]);
                    return; //Application failed, quit.

                //Enter a world and attempt to go to ground zero.
                catch (InstanceException ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to enter world at ground zero (Reason: {0}).", Utility.ReturnCodes[ex.ErrorCode]);
                    return; //Application failed, quit.

                //Event dispatch loop.  This is important, without it events would not be dispatched appropriately.
                while (Utility.Wait(-1) == 0) ;

            catch (InstanceException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Unexpected Error (Reason: {0}).", Utility.ReturnCodes[ex.ErrorCode]);
                return; //Application failed, quit.

        /// <summary>
        /// Event handler for avatars entering the proximity of the bot.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The instance that received the event.  This is extremely important,
        /// especially if instances share common event handlers.  We use it here to control the instance.</param>
        void greeterBot_EventAvatarAdd(Instance sender)
                //Store the session and name of the avatar, and the name of the world.
                int userSession = sender.GetInt(Attributes.AvatarSession);
                string userName = sender.GetString(Attributes.AvatarName);
                string worldName = sender.GetString(Attributes.WorldName);

                //Greet the user via a whisper. Whisper makes use of a session number to target a user
                //Session numbers are an extremely important concept in the SDK and are used to identify
                //users when certain events occur or when sending some command to a specific user.
                sender.Whisper(userSession, "Welcome to {0}, {1}! Enjoy your stay.", worldName, userName);

                //Show that the user was greeted on the console.
                Console.WriteLine("Greeter user {0}.", userName);
            catch (InstanceException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to greet user (Reason: {0}).", Utility.ReturnCodes[ex.ErrorCode]);


  • 微软视窗 8.1
  • 适用于 Windows 的 Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012
  • mcafee Internet Security(你永远不知道...)


  • 一个 Visual C# 空项目
  • x86解决方案平台(必填)


  • 名为 MainScript.cs 的 AC# 类(包含上面的代码)
  • 项目根文件夹中的 AW.Core.dll 文件,作为参考添加。(这是包装)
  • 位于 RootFolder\bin\x86\Release\ 中的 Aw.dll 文件(这是包装器使用的 C++ DLL)
  • C# 空项目中的常见问题


错误 3“AW.Utility”不包含“ReturnCodes”第 54 行第 81 列的定义

错误 5“AW.Utility”不包含“ReturnCodes”第 66 行第 102 列的定义

错误 7“AW.Utility”不包含“ReturnCodes”第 76 行第 78 列的定义

错误 9“AW.Utility”不包含“ReturnCodes”第 105 行第 82 列的定义

错误 1 ​​类型名称“事件”在类型“AW.Instance”中不存在第 42 行第 59 列

错误 2 找不到类型或命名空间名称“InstanceException”(您是否缺少 using 指令或程序集引用?) 第 52 行 第 24 列

错误 4 找不到类型或命名空间名称“InstanceException”(是否缺少 using 指令或程序集引用?) 第 64 行 第 24 列

错误 6 找不到类型或命名空间名称“InstanceException”(是否缺少 using 指令或程序集引用?) 第 74 行 第 20 列

错误 2 找不到类型或命名空间名称“InstanceException”(您是否缺少 using 指令或程序集引用?) 第 103 行 第 20 列

您可能想知道在哪里可以获得 .dll,这里有一些链接

  • Activeworlds SDK(C++ .dll)可以在这里找到:http ://wiki.activeworlds.com/index.php?title=SDK
  • 我正在使用的 SDK(C++ .dll)的下载地址是:http: //objects.activeworlds.com/downloads/awsdk101.zip
  • 您可以在此处找到包装器的源代码(C# .dll):(https://github.com/Bloyteg/AW.SDK.Core注意,信息可能并不那么准确)
  • 您可以在此处找到 C# 包装器的下载:https://github.com/Bloyteg/AW.SDK.Core/releases/download/


请看看这个。我对 Visual Studio 很陌生,因为我通常使用 MonoDevelopment 在 Unity 3D 中编写代码。我是一个业余的 C# 编码器,所以请耐心等待。这是一个记录不充分的过程,使用它的开发人员通常会忙于像我这样的人。另外,其他编码人员使用 VB.net 和 C++ 而不是 C#。


1 回答 1


查看您链接到的源,AW.Utility.ReturnCodes 不存在。


Console.WriteLine("Unexpected Error: {0}.", ex);

此外,看起来没有 InstanceException 类。你确定你不是在寻找其中之一: https ://github.com/Bloyteg/AW.SDK.Core/tree/master/AW.Core/AW/Exceptions


于 2014-11-19T07:00:16.597 回答