I am using "devstack" to play with the openstack in my desktop.

I had configured several vms in my instance. What happened was couple of days ago there was a power failure which caused my desktop to power down(I didnt have a UPS) attached to it. This resulted in my losing all the vms since i didnt unstack.

One of the solution to prevent this from happening next time is using a UPS. Are there any other solutions that I can use to back the vms so that even if there is a power loss the vms will run if i just restart and do ./stack.sh


2 回答 2


Devstack 是一个开发环境,它并不意味着从电力损失中恢复。

您应该考虑使用另一个一体化的 openstack 安装程序,它应该支持重新启动 openstack 服务而不会丢失状态。例如,您可以使用 Redhat 的 packstack - https://openstack.redhat.com/Quickstart

于 2014-11-23T08:29:07.040 回答

Create snapshot of VM

enter image description here

Instance snapshots are uploaded to Glance which will store them in /var/lib/glance/images on the controller node.

Backup this folder.

When there is a data lose occurs , just restore this folder and Launch new instance by boot from image. select the snapshot and click launch.

于 2014-11-19T03:36:21.147 回答