我正在尝试采用 ed = 1 mod((p-1)(q-1)) 并求解 d,就像 RSA 算法一样。

e = 5, (p-1)*(q-1) = 249996


function modInverse(){
var e = 5;
var p = 499;
var q = 503;
var d = e.modInverse((p-1) * (q-1));
DisplayResult(d, "privateKeyResultLabel")


function modInverse(){ 

我只是想不出在 javascript 中求解模逆 d 的正确方法。


2 回答 2



ax = 1 (mod m)
=> m is a divisor of ax -1 and x is the inverse we are looking for
=> ax - 1 = q*m (where q is some integer)
And the most important thing is gcd(a, m) = 1
i.e. a and m are co-primes


ed = 1 mod((p-1)(q-1)) //p, q and e are given 
=> ed - 1 = z*((p-1)(q-1)) //where z is some integer and we need to find d

再次从维基百科条目中,可以使用扩展的欧几里得 GCD 算法计算模逆,该算法执行以下操作:

 ax + by = g //where g = gcd(a,b) i.e. a and b are co-primes
 //The extended gcd algorithm gives us the value of x and y as well.


 ed - z*((p-1)(q-1)) = 1; //Compare it with the structure given above

 a -> e
 x -> d
 b -> (p-1)(q-1)
 y -> z

因此,如果我们只是将该算法应用于这种情况,我们将得到 和 的dz

对于ax + by = gcd(a,b),扩展的 gcd 算法可能看起来像(source):

 function xgcd(a, b) { 

   if (b == 0) {
     return [1, 0, a];

   temp = xgcd(b, a % b);
   x = temp[0];
   y = temp[1];
   d = temp[2];
   return [y, x-y*Math.floor(a/b), d];

该算法运行时间为O(log(m)^2),假设 |a| < m,并且通常比取幂更有效。

我不知道 javascript 中是否有内置函数。我怀疑是否存在,而且我是算法的粉丝,所以我想你可能想尝试一下这种方法。您可以摆弄它并更改它以处理您的值范围,我希望它能让您朝着正确的方向开始。

于 2014-11-18T04:32:19.753 回答


function modInverse(a, m) {
  // validate inputs
  [a, m] = [Number(a), Number(m)]
  if (Number.isNaN(a) || Number.isNaN(m)) {
    return NaN // invalid input
  a = (a % m + m) % m
  if (!a || m < 2) {
    return NaN // invalid input
  // find the gcd
  const s = []
  let b = m
  while(b) {
    [a, b] = [b, a % b]
    s.push({a, b})
  if (a !== 1) {
    return NaN // inverse does not exists
  // find the inverse
  let x = 1
  let y = 0
  for(let i = s.length - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
    [x, y] = [y,  x - y * Math.floor(s[i].a / s[i].b)]
  return (y % m + m) % m

// Tests
console.log(modInverse(1, 2))       // = 1
console.log(modInverse(3, 6))       // = NaN
console.log(modInverse(25, 87))     // = 7
console.log(modInverse(7, 87))      // = 25
console.log(modInverse(19, 1212393831))     // = 701912218
console.log(modInverse(31, 73714876143))    // = 45180085378
console.log(modInverse(3, 73714876143))     // = NaN
console.log(modInverse(-7, 87))     // = 62
console.log(modInverse(-25, 87))    // = 80
console.log(modInverse(0, 3))       // = NaN
console.log(modInverse(0, 0))       // = NaN

于 2018-07-27T16:28:02.860 回答