我正在使用 Dymola 2014 (Modelica) 并尝试编写模型的代码。我无法“检查”模型,Dymola 给了我以下信息。使用 Dymola 的人告诉我,这可能是来自缺少“其他”的问题,但我没有看到任何缺失。
每个“if”开头的条件 xxx.activePort 来自代码中的 stateGraph 循环。请注意,并非所有代码都在这里,但如果需要,我可以发布它。检查只返回那部分代码,所以我认为问题就在这里。您可能还注意到整个代码包含方程式和算法部分。下面的代码是方程式部分的一部分。
我是 Modelica 的菜鸟,所以它可能很简单,但我没有找到任何东西可以解决我在互联网上的问题。
谢谢 !
Check of CHP.Composants.Stirling:
Resolve error: No match for overloaded binary operator
in the equation
if (PR1.activePort or PR2.activePort or PR3.activePort) then
if (PR1.activePort) then
Q_HX = 0;
P_brut = 0;
P_net = P_brut-P_auxiliaires-P_electronique;
elseif (PR2.activePort) then
Q_HX = Q_HX_nom*(1-exp( -(time-tps_debut_PR2)/Tau_PR_Q));
P_brut = 0;
P_net = P_brut-P_auxiliaires-P_electronique;
elseif (PR3.activePort) then
Q_HX = Q_HX_nom*(1-exp( -(time-tps_debut_PR2)/Tau_PR_Q));
P_net = P_net_nom*(1-exp( -(time-tps_debut_PR3)/Tau_PR_P));
P_brut = P_net+P_auxiliaires+P_electronique;
Q_HX = 0;
P_net = 0;
P_brut = 0;
end if;
mdot_comb = P_comb_nom/PCS_J_kg;
mdot_condensats_max = mdot_comb*H2O_kg;
V_H2O_exh = V_H2O*(1-mdot_condensats/mdot_condensats_max);
DH_N2_exh = (H_Texh[1, 5]-H_T0[1, 5])*pc_N2_exh_w;
DH_CO2_exh = (H_Texh[1, 6]-H_T0[1, 6])*pc_CO2_exh_w;
DH_O2_exh = (H_Texh[1, 9]-H_T0[1, 9])*pc_O2_exh_w;
DH_H2O_exh = (H_Texh[1, 10]-H_T0[1, 10])*pc_H2O_exh_w;
dH_exh_sens = (DH_N2_exh+DH_CO2_exh+DH_O2_exh+DH_H2O_exh)/Mm_exh*1000;
mdot_air = mdot_comb*V_a_kg*(1+exces_air);
mdot_exh = mdot_comb+mdot_air;
P_comb = mdot_comb*PCS_J_kg;
Hdot_comb = mdot_comb*dH_comb;
Hdot_air = mdot_air*cp_air*(T_air-T_0);
Hdot_exh_sen = mdot_exh*dH_exh_sens;
Hdot_exh_lat = L_v_H2O*(mdot_condensats_max-mdot_condensats);
mdot_CO2 = mdot_comb*i_CO2_comb;
elseif (Fct_normal.activePort) then
Q_HX = Q_HX_nom+C_charge*g+(T_cwi-T_cwi_nom)*c1+(T_cwi-T_cwi_nom)^2*c2+( mdot_cw-mdot_cw_nom)*d1+(mdot_cw-mdot_cw_nom)^2*d2;
P_net = P_net_nom+C_charge*h+(T_cwi-T_cwi_nom)*e1+(T_cwi-T_cwi_nom)^2*e2+( mdot_cw-mdot_cw_nom)*f1+(mdot_cw-mdot_cw_nom)^2*f2;
P_comb = P_comb_nom+C_charge*j+(T_cwi-T_cwi_nom)*a1+(T_cwi-T_cwi_nom)^2*a2+( mdot_cw-mdot_cw_nom)*b1+(mdot_cw-mdot_cw_nom)^2*b2;
P_brut = P_net+P_auxiliaires+P_electronique;
mdot_comb = P_comb/PCS_J_kg;
mdot_condensats_max = mdot_comb*H2O_kg;
V_H2O_exh = V_H2O*(1-mdot_condensats/mdot_condensats_max);
DH_N2_exh = (H_Texh[1, 5]-H_T0[1, 5])*pc_N2_exh_w;
DH_CO2_exh = (H_Texh[1, 6]-H_T0[1, 6])*pc_CO2_exh_w;
DH_O2_exh = (H_Texh[1, 9]-H_T0[1, 9])*pc_O2_exh_w;
DH_H2O_exh = (H_Texh[1, 10]-H_T0[1, 10])*pc_H2O_exh_w;
dH_exh_sens = (DH_N2_exh+DH_CO2_exh+DH_O2_exh+DH_H2O_exh)/Mm_exh*1000;
mdot_air = mdot_comb*V_a_kg*(1+exces_air);
mdot_exh = mdot_comb+mdot_air-mdot_condensats;
Hdot_comb = mdot_comb*dH_comb;
Hdot_air = mdot_air*cp_air*(T_air-T_0);
Hdot_exh_sen = mdot_exh*dH_exh_sens;
Hdot_exh_lat = L_v_H2O*(mdot_condensats_max-mdot_condensats);
mdot_CO2 = mdot_comb*i_CO2_comb;
elseif (RF.activePort) then
Q_HX = Q_HX_nom*exp( -(time-tps_debut_RF)/Tau_RF);
P_brut = E_elec_RF/t_fin_RF;
P_net = P_brut-P_auxiliaires-P_electronique;
mdot_comb = 0;
mdot_air = P_comb_nom/PCS_J_kg*V_a_kg*(1+exces_air);
mdot_exh = mdot_air;
P_comb = 0;
Hdot_comb = 0;
Hdot_air = mdot_air*cp_air*(T_air-T_0);
Hdot_exh_sen = mdot_exh*cp_air*(T_exh-T_0);
Hdot_exh_lat = 0;
mdot_CO2 = 0;
mdot_condensats_max = 0;
V_H2O_exh = 0;
DH_N2_exh = 0;
DH_CO2_exh = 0;
DH_O2_exh = 0;
DH_H2O_exh = 0;
dH_exh_sens = (DH_N2_exh+DH_CO2_exh+DH_O2_exh+DH_H2O_exh)/Mm_exh*1000;
elseif (Arret.activePort) then
Q_HX = 0;
P_brut = 0;
P_net = P_brut-P_electronique;
mdot_comb = 0;
mdot_air = 0;
mdot_exh = 0;
P_comb = 0;
Hdot_comb = 0;
Hdot_air = 0;
Hdot_exh_sen = 0;
Hdot_exh_lat = 0;
mdot_CO2 = 0;
mdot_condensats_max = 0;
V_H2O_exh = 0;
DH_N2_exh = 0;
DH_CO2_exh = 0;
DH_O2_exh = 0;
DH_H2O_exh = 0;
dH_exh_sens = (DH_N2_exh+DH_CO2_exh+DH_O2_exh+DH_H2O_exh)/Mm_exh*1000;
Q_HX = 0;
P_brut = 0;
P_net = P_brut-P_electronique;
mdot_comb = 0;
mdot_air = 0;
mdot_exh = 0;
P_comb = 0;
Hdot_comb = 0;
Hdot_air = 0;
Hdot_exh_sen = 0;
Hdot_exh_lat = 0;
mdot_CO2 = 0;
mdot_condensats_max = 0;
V_H2O_exh = 0;
DH_N2_exh = 0;
DH_CO2_exh = 0;
DH_O2_exh = 0;
DH_H2O_exh = 0;
dH_exh_sens = (DH_N2_exh+DH_CO2_exh+DH_O2_exh+DH_H2O_exh)/Mm_exh*1000;
end if;
Missing declarations.
Check aborted.
ERROR: 1 error was found