我有一些轻物体可以推动和操纵,然后我想将它们包含在一个更复杂的物体中。有一个查找表应该保持不变。这个想法看起来很简单,但是这样做的一行b += c(a);
- 会产生一个昂贵的临时性。
#include <vector>
static int count;
struct costly {
/* std::map<std::string, int> and whatnot */
int b;
~costly() { count++; }
costly(int b): b(b) { }
costly &operator+= (costly &rhs) { b += rhs.b; return *this; }
/* Note the assumption above constructor exists for rhs */
costly operator* (const costly &lhs, costly rhs) {
rhs.b *= lhs.b; return rhs;
struct cheap {
/* Consider these private or generally unaccessible to 'costly' */
int index, mul;
cheap(int index, int mul): index(index), mul(mul) { }
costly operator() (const std::vector<costly> &rhs) {
/* Can we do without this? */
costly tmp = rhs[index] * mul; return tmp;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
std::vector<costly> a = {1, 2}; costly b(1); cheap c = {1, 2};
/* Above init also calls the destructor, don't care for now */
count = 0;
b += c(a);
return count;
我一直在阅读 RVO 和 C++11 的右值,但还不能完全理解它们以完全消除引入的中间值。上面只创建了一个,因为 rhs 的构造函数可用。最初我有这个;
costly operator* (costly lhs, int rhs) {
lhs.b *= rhs; return lhs;
/* ... */
costly operator() (const std::vector<costly> &rhs) {
return rhs[index] * mul;
甚至是 2。为什么编译器没有得到我的意图?