我正在尝试运行一些活动来获得注册并希望使用 UTM 参数。问题是我的网站网址中包含 hashbangs。我仍然可以为我的 url 生成带有 hashbangs 的 UTM 参数标签吗?


1 回答 1


Yes, you can still generate UTM tags, but make sure that any URL builder puts the hash tags towards the end, i.e. after the UTM parameters are added. Otherwise there's a risk that the hash bang won't work as you intended. Not all URL builders do it correctly, but Google URL builder does create correct URLs.

e.g. After adding UTM parameters to


it should be


You could also try Terminus which implements it correctly. (Disclaimer: I'm the founder and Terminus is a paid service.)

于 2014-11-18T01:16:43.120 回答