Preface: I am new to writing my own jQuery code and have had help writing the animateContinously() function below.

I'm using backstretch.js to have a full browser viewport/background slideshow and jQuery animate() function to change the color (with the help of the jquery-color.js plugin) of the text that shows on top of the backstretch controlled images, depending on which backstretch image is showing. It works, but the backstretch() duration and animate() delay are out of sync if I set them to the same number, ie: 5000 (5 seconds). So I tried offsetting them by 1000 (1 second) and the text and backstretch images fade-in/out at the exact same time, as desired...but after 15 or so transitions they fall out of sync again.

Any ideas/help as to why the same duration & delay time amount doesn't work? And/or why the 1 second offset works at first and then falls out of sync? Here is my code:

<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jquery-color.js"></script>
<script src="backstretch.js"></script>
  ], {
  fade: 1000,
  duration: 4000
    function animateContinuously($element, attr, values) {
    var i = 0, count = values.length;
    setInterval(function() {
        i = (i + 1) % count;
        var props = {};
        props[attr] = values[i];
        $element.animate(props, 1000);
    }, 5000); // // in sync with backstretch() if 1000 more, but falls out of sync after 15-18 transitions

    animateContinuously($("#color-change1"), 'color', ['#de7056', '#4ec67f']);
    animateContinuously($("#color-change2"), 'svgFill', ['#de7056', '#4ec67f']);

1 回答 1


由于背景图像的循环并setInterval()没有捆绑在一起,它们总是会不同步。解决方案是放弃setInterval(),而是使用由 Backstretch 插件触发的事件。当触发“backstretch.before”事件时,您将启动动画。

$(window).on('backstretch.before', function() {
    // Start animations here.


    PAUSE_DURATION = 4000;

// Note: These arrays should all have the same length.
var IMAGES = ['_img/bg01.jpg', '_img/bg02.jpg'],
    COLORS = ['#de7056', '#4ec67f'];

var index = 0;

$.backstretch(IMAGES, {
    duration: PAUSE_DURATION

$(window).on('backstretch.before', function() {
    index = (index + 1) % IMAGES.length;
    $('#color-change1').animate({ backgroundColor: COLORS[index] }, TRANSITION_DURATION);
    $('#color-change2').animate({ svgFill: COLORS[index] }, TRANSITION_DURATION);


如果值数组的长度不同,您可以在这个 jsfiddle中执行类似的操作。

于 2014-11-16T04:42:37.260 回答