I have a form through the jQuery Form Wizard, all the sections work fine and the last tab gives the user the chance to look over the inputs before submit.
On Submit I have put the below code to send the data to the database. My issue is that the POST data doesnt get to the database, a row is inserted, but it is a blank row.
I've tested the Insert and have manually input data so that when the Submit is clicked this is input into the db.
How can I get the data from the form into the database?
$('#form_myform1 .button-submit').click(function (e) {
My PHP POST code (Yes I know it's not PDO ;-) I have other issue with PDO and my init.php file on from this location hence using mysql_ for now.)
require '../../assets/functions/core/cnn.php';
if(!empty($_POST['appraisename'])) {
$appraisename = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST["appraisename"]));
$form1sql = "INSERT INTO myforms_personaldetails (name)
VALUES('".$appraisename."') ";
mysql_query($form1sql) or die(mysql_error());