

导航属性 Project.Models.Customer.SubCustomers 的声明类型与指定导航的结果不兼容。

这是一个循环引用,即客户可以有 0..* 子客户和 0..1 父客户。


public class Customer : Entity
    public int CustomerId { get; set;}
    public string Name { get; set; }

    // Relationships

    public int? ParentCustomerId { get; set; }
    public virtual ICollection<Customer> SubCustomers { get; set; } // a Customer has many Customers as SubCustomers, a Customer has zero or one ParentCustomer

    // Other relationships


            .HasKey(customer => customer.CustomerId);
            .Property(customer => customer.Name)
modelBuilder.Entity<Customer>() // a Customer has many Customers as SubCustomers, a Customer has zero or one ParentCustomer
            .HasOptional(customer => customer.SubCustomers)
            .HasForeignKey(customer => customer.ParentCustomerId);


// Default Customers - create and save
var customers = new[]{
    new Customer { Name = "Custa" },
    new Customer { Name = "Custb" },
    new Customer { Name = "Custc" }
context.Customers.AddOrUpdate(r => r.Name, customers[0], customers[1], customers[2]);

// Add SubCustomers b & c to Customer a (ids calculated beforehand, e.g. aId, as linq does not support array index)
var aId = customers[0].CustomerId;
var a = context.Customers.Include(c => c.SubCustomers).SingleOrDefault(c => c.CustomerId == aId);
if (a.SubCustomers == null)
    a.SubCustomers = new List<Customer>();
var bId = customers[1].CustomerId;
var b = a.SubCustomers.SingleOrDefault(c => c.CustomerId == bId);
if (b == null)
    a.SubCustomers.Add(context.Customers.Single(c => c.CustomerId == bId));
var cId = customers[2].CustomerId;
var c = a.SubCustomers.SingleOrDefault(c => c.CustomerId == cId);
if (c == null)
    a.SubCustomers.Add(context.Customers.Single(c => c.CustomerId == cId));



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public class Foo {
    public int FooId {get; set;}
    public string Name {get; set;}

    // Relationships
    public virtual ICollection<Bar> Bars {get; set;} // a Foo has many bars, a Bar has one optional Foo

public class Bar {
    public int BarId {get; set;}
    public string Name {get; set;}

    // Relationships
    public int? FooId {get; set;} // a Foo has many bars, a Bar has one optional Foo
    public virtual Foo Foo {get; set;}

然后在上下文中(流利的 API):

modelBuilder.Entity<Bar>() // a Foo has many bars, a Bar has one optional Foo
    .HasRequired(bar => bar.Foo)
    .WithMany(foo => foo.Bars)
    .HasForeignKey(bar => bar.FooId);
            .HasKey(bar => bar.BarId);

            .HasKey(foo => foo.FooId);

在我的代码中,在我最初的问题中,我忽略了public virtual Foo Foo {get; set;}在这种情况下的等价物。

因此,要创建一个自引用 Foo,您需要关系的所有三个元素,在上面的示例中,它们在两个对象之间拆分,位于 Foo 对象中(非常合乎逻辑!):

public class Foo {
    public int FooId {get; set;}
    public string Name {get; set;}

    // Relationships
    public int? ParentFooId {get; set;} // a Foo has many SubFoos, a Foo has one optional ParentFoo
    public virtual Foo ParentFoo {get; set;}
    public virtual ICollection<Foo> SubFoos {get; set;}

以及上下文(流利的 API):

modelBuilder.Entity<Foo>() // a Foo has many SubFoos, a Foo has one optional ParentFoo
    .HasOptional(foo => foo.ParentFoo)
    .WithMany(foo => foo.SubFoos)
    .HasForeignKey(foo => foo.ParentCustomerId);
            .HasKey(foo => foo.FooId);

要将数据播种到这种自引用关系中,我需要 Configuration.cs 中的以下内容:

// Default Foos - create
var foos = new[]{
        new Foo { Name = "foo1", SubFoos = new List<Foo>() },
        new Foo { Name = "foo2", SubFoos = new List<Foo>() },
        new Foo { Name = "foo3", SubFoos = new List<Foo>() },           
context.Tabs.AddOrUpdate(t => t.View, foos[0], foos[1], foos[2]);

// Add a SubFoo to a Foo
var parentFooId = foos[0].FooId;
var parentFoo = context.Foos.Include(f => f.SubFoos).SingleOrDefault(f => f.FooId == parentFooId);
// If no current SubFoos initiate an empty list
if (parentFoo.SubFoos == null)
    parentFoo.SubFoos = new List<Foo>();
// Get another Foo to add as a SubFoo
var childFooId = foos[1].FooId;
// Check if child foo already exists and add if not
var childFoo = parentFoo.SubFoos.SingleOrDefault(f => f.FooId == childFooId);
if (childFoo == null)
    parentFoo.SubFoos.Add(context.Foos.Single(f => f.FooId == childFooId));
于 2014-11-18T14:37:31.813 回答