我刚开始使用 typelevel 的“scodec”库:https ://github.com/scodec/scodec
* When called on a `Codec[L]` for some `L <: HList`, returns a new codec that encodes/decodes
* `B :: L` but only returns `L`. HList equivalent of `~>`.
* @group hlist
def :~>:[B](codec: Codec[B])(implicit ev: Unit =:= B): Codec[L] = codec.dropLeft(self)
case class Example(value1: Int, value3)
implicit val exampleCodec: Codec[Example] = (
("value1" | uint8) ::
("value2" | uint8) :~>: // decode/encode, but dont pass this in when converting from hlist to case class
("value3" | uint8)
如果我想忽略的值不是 hlist 中的最后一个值,这很有效。有谁知道如何更改编解码器,如果我希望我的案例类是:
case class Example(value1: Int, value2: Int) // 忽略 value3
任何帮助表示赞赏 - 谢谢!