How can the SqlDatabaseSink store the payload in separate columns? It's mentioned in the documentation, but I haven't seen it done anywhere. When I've tried, the payload is always stored as a JSON string. Any ideas?

Source: Developing event sources using the .NET EventSource class

Under "Specifying the event and its payload" it states:

Some sinks will store payload items individually; for example, the SQL Database sink and the Azure Table Storage sink in the Semantic Logging Application Block store each payload item in a separate column.

Is the documentation wrong regarding the SqlDatabaseSink? I've heard DEVs claim that the Azure Sink works.


2 回答 2


事实证明,文档毕竟是不正确的。它仅适用于 Azure 接收器,正如企业库支持工程师在此处所解释的那样。

于 2014-11-13T16:00:16.797 回答

您可以更改源,以便将有效负载存储在 Sql Server 的 XML 列中,以便于查询。看到这个分叉:https ://github.com/DeHeerSoftware/semantic-logging

于 2015-07-29T15:29:47.617 回答