A PodsCMS search is nothing more than a mySQL table search for the search term. You can search the title, body, pretty much anything. Here's an example:
Note: I'm using "whatever" as the pod info. I'm also forming a string that goes into the $where position which comprises the various pods variables I want to search on. Also, I'm assuming pagination using the Pods pagination controls but I want that variable carried across the pages so I can offset.
$search_term = $_GET["s"];
$paged = get_query_var('paged');
$page_number = $_GET['pg'];
Results for "<?php echo $search_term; ?>"<?php if($page_number > 1){ ?> (Continued)<?php } ?><?php if($paged > 1){ ?> (Continued)<?php } ?>
<?php if($paged <= 1){ ?>
<h2>Results in Whatever...</h2>
$whateverSentence = "(t.name LIKE '%" .$search_term. "%') || (t.whatever LIKE '%" .$search_term. "%')";
$whatever = new Pod('whatever');
$whatever->findRecords($orderby = 't.whatever DESC', $rows_per_page = 5, $where = $whateverSentence, $sql = null);
$total_whatever = $whatever->getTotalRows();
<?php if( $total_whatever >0 ) : ?>
<?php while ( $whatever->fetchRecord() ) : ?>
// Set Variables
$whatever_ID = $whatever->get_field('id');
$whatever_Permalink = $whatever->get_field('slug');
$whatever_Name = $whatever->get_field('name');
Code that echos the pods variables and represents the search result
<?php endwhile ?>
<?php else: ?>
<p>Sorry, no results found for that search.</p>
<?php endelse; endif ?>
<?php echo $whatever->getPagination($label = '<span class="pagination-text">Go to page:</span>'); ?>
<?php } ?>