
如果没有,是否有快速访问指数、符号和尾数的方法。因为如果您首先根据尾数、指数和指数对浮点数进行排序。您在 O(n) 中对浮点数进行排序。


5 回答 5



我对这个话题很感兴趣,所以我坐下来实现它(使用这个非常快速且内存保守的实现)。我还阅读了这篇文章(感谢celion),发现您甚至不必将浮点数拆分为尾数和指数来对其进行排序。您只需要一对一地获取位并执行 int 排序。您只需要关心负值,必须在算法结束时将其反向放在正值之前(我在算法的最后一次迭代中一步完成以节省一些 CPU 时间)。


public static float[] RadixSort(this float[] array)
    // temporary array and the array of converted floats to ints
    int[] t = new int[array.Length];
    int[] a = new int[array.Length];
    for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
        a[i] = BitConverter.ToInt32(BitConverter.GetBytes(array[i]), 0);

    // set the group length to 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16
    // and see which one is quicker
    int groupLength = 4;
    int bitLength = 32;

    // counting and prefix arrays
    // (dimension is 2^r, the number of possible values of a r-bit number) 
    int[] count = new int[1 << groupLength];
    int[] pref = new int[1 << groupLength];
    int groups = bitLength / groupLength;
    int mask = (1 << groupLength) - 1;
    int negatives = 0, positives = 0;

    for (int c = 0, shift = 0; c < groups; c++, shift += groupLength)
        // reset count array 
        for (int j = 0; j < count.Length; j++)
            count[j] = 0;

        // counting elements of the c-th group 
        for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
            count[(a[i] >> shift) & mask]++;

            // additionally count all negative 
            // values in first round
            if (c == 0 && a[i] < 0)
        if (c == 0) positives = a.Length - negatives;

        // calculating prefixes
        pref[0] = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i < count.Length; i++)
            pref[i] = pref[i - 1] + count[i - 1];

        // from a[] to t[] elements ordered by c-th group 
        for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++){
            // Get the right index to sort the number in
            int index = pref[(a[i] >> shift) & mask]++;

            if (c == groups - 1)
                // We're in the last (most significant) group, if the
                // number is negative, order them inversely in front
                // of the array, pushing positive ones back.
                if (a[i] < 0)
                    index = positives - (index - negatives) - 1;
                    index += negatives;
            t[index] = a[i];

        // a[]=t[] and start again until the last group 
        t.CopyTo(a, 0);

    // Convert back the ints to the float array
    float[] ret = new float[a.Length];
    for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
        ret[i] = BitConverter.ToSingle(BitConverter.GetBytes(a[i]), 0);

    return ret;

它比 int 基数排序稍慢,因为在函数的开头和结尾复制数组,其中浮点数按位复制到 int 并返回。尽管如此,整个函数还是 O(n)。无论如何,都比您建议的连续排序 3 次要快得多。我再也看不到优化的空间了,但是如果有人这样做:请随时告诉我。


ret[i] = BitConverter.ToSingle(BitConverter.GetBytes(a[i]), 0);


ret[a.Length - i - 1] = BitConverter.ToSingle(BitConverter.GetBytes(a[i]), 0);


我设置了一些简短的测试,包含浮点数的所有特殊情况(NaN、+/-Inf、Min/Max 值、0)和随机数。它排序与 Linq 完全相同的顺序或对Array.Sort浮点数进行排序:

NaN -> -Inf -> Min -> Negative Nums -> 0 -> Positive Nums -> Max -> +Inf

因此,我使用大量 10M 数字进行了测试:

float[] test = new float[10000000];
Random rnd = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < test.Length; i++)
    byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
    float rndfloat = BitConverter.ToSingle(buffer, 0);
        case 0: { test[i] = float.MaxValue; break; }
        case 1: { test[i] = float.MinValue; break; }
        case 2: { test[i] = float.NaN; break; }
        case 3: { test[i] = float.NegativeInfinity; break; }
        case 4: { test[i] = float.PositiveInfinity; break; }
        case 5: { test[i] = 0f; break; }
        default: { test[i] = test[i] = rndfloat; break; }


Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

float[] sorted1 = test.RadixSort();

Console.WriteLine(string.Format("RadixSort: {0}", sw.Elapsed));

float[] sorted2 = test.OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();

Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Linq OrderBy: {0}", sw.Elapsed));

float[] sorted3 = test;

Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Array.Sort: {0}", sw.Elapsed));


RadixSort: 00:00:03.9902332
Linq OrderBy: 00:00:17.4983272
Array.Sort: 00:00:03.1536785

大约是 Linq 的四倍多。这还不错。但仍然没有那么快Array.Sort,但也没有那么糟糕。但我真的对此感到惊讶:我预计它在非常小的阵列上会比 Linq 稍微慢一些。但后来我只用 20 个元素进行了测试:

RadixSort: 00:00:00.0012944
Linq OrderBy: 00:00:00.0072271
Array.Sort: 00:00:00.0002979

甚至这次我的 Radixsort 比 Linq 快,但数组排序慢。:)

更新 2:

我进行了更多测量并发现了一些有趣的事情:更长的组长度常数意味着更少的迭代和更多的内存使用。如果您使用 16 位的组长度(仅 2 次迭代),则在对小型数组进行排序时会产生巨大的内存开销,但Array.Sort如果涉及到大于约 100k 个元素的数组,即使不是很多,您也可以击败。图表轴都是对数化的:


于 2010-04-21T17:29:50.003 回答

关于如何对浮点数执行基数排序有一个很好的解释:http: //www.codercorner.com/RadixSortRevisited.htm


于 2010-04-21T18:06:28.573 回答

通过做一些花哨的转换和交换数组而不是复制这个版本,对于 10M 数字,此版本的速度是 Philip Daubmeiers 原始的 2 倍,grouplength 设置为 8。对于该数组大小,它比 Array.Sort 快 3 倍。

 static public void RadixSortFloat(this float[] array, int arrayLen = -1)
            // Some use cases have an array that is longer as the filled part which we want to sort
            if (arrayLen < 0) arrayLen = array.Length;
            // Cast our original array as long
            Span<float> asFloat = array;
            Span<int> a = MemoryMarshal.Cast<float, int>(asFloat);
            // Create a temp array
            Span<int> t = new Span<int>(new int[arrayLen]);

            // set the group length to 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16 and see which one is quicker
            int groupLength = 8;
            int bitLength = 32;

            // counting and prefix arrays
            // (dimension is 2^r, the number of possible values of a r-bit number) 
            var dim = 1 << groupLength;
            int groups = bitLength / groupLength;
            if (groups % 2 != 0) throw new Exception("groups must be even so data is in original array at end");
            var count = new int[dim];
            var pref = new int[dim];
            int mask = (dim) - 1;
            int negatives = 0, positives = 0;

            // counting elements of the 1st group incuding negative/positive
            for (int i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++)
                if (a[i] < 0) negatives++;
                count[(a[i] >> 0) & mask]++;
            positives = arrayLen - negatives;

            int c;
            int shift;
            for (c = 0, shift = 0; c < groups - 1; c++, shift += groupLength)
                var nextShift = shift + groupLength;
                for (var i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++)
                    var ai = a[i];
                    // Get the right index to sort the number in
                    int index = pref[( ai >> shift) & mask]++;
                    count[( ai>> nextShift) & mask]++;
                    t[index] =  ai;

                // swap the arrays and start again until the last group 
                var temp = a;
                a = t;
                t = temp;

            // Last round
            for (var i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++)
                var ai = a[i];
                // Get the right index to sort the number in
                int index = pref[( ai >> shift) & mask]++;
                // We're in the last (most significant) group, if the
                // number is negative, order them inversely in front
                // of the array, pushing positive ones back.
                if ( ai < 0) index = positives - (index - negatives) - 1; else index += negatives;
                t[index] =  ai;

            void CalcPrefixes()
                pref[0] = 0;
                for (int i = 1; i < dim; i++)
                    pref[i] = pref[i - 1] + count[i - 1];
                    count[i - 1] = 0;
于 2019-02-22T13:23:55.627 回答

您可以使用unsafe块来 memcpy 或别名 afloat *uint *提取位。

于 2010-04-21T18:21:34.333 回答


例如,您可以只使用前 4 位小数(无论是否为 0)进行排序。

于 2010-04-21T17:18:21.933 回答