I need a tool for collecting feedback and new ideas inside our company regarding our internal IS product. The problem is the acceptance level for such a tool.
Most of our colleagues are not IT oriented, so a solution like BugZilla or Jira is way to complicated for them to use. You need to create an account, take care of a lot of parameters before submission, new ideas about new software doesn't really fit well in these tools, etc...

So, here are my requirements:

  • No login need, or optional.
  • Few fields to enter.
  • If possible a WYSIWYG editor for the main description field.
  • Web based or E-mail based (we use outlook internaly).
  • Free (as a beer).
  • Not too chaotic (a Wiki is not an option)

I've take a look at uservoice (of course), it's really a nice tool for experienced people, but too complex for my target users.


10 回答 10



我也不明白为什么 wiki 不是一个好的解决方案,但关于 Outlook,您可以进行简单的投票(批准/拒绝)(是/否):

请参阅:http: //www.microsoft.com/atwork/worktogether/forms.mspx

于 2009-05-08T17:51:46.367 回答


于 2008-11-06T12:37:12.877 回答

Microsoft's Exchange server has support for Public Folders, email lists/groups. This may be an easy introduction to collaboration for your environment, using tools that are familiar. From the Microsoft Help on Public Folders:

Public folders are an easy and effective way to collect, organize, and share information with other people in your workgroup or organization. You can use public folders to share files or post information on an electronic bulletin board.

I'm not sure how effective the tools for managing those "lists" are - I'm not sure if you can mark responses such that all users see the mark, for example.

But it is probably a good start. As people start to see the value of collaboration, something along the lines of a Wiki becomes more appealing.

I've got to say that Confluence, especially now that editing with Open Office or Microsoft Office tools is possible really deserves a look. Not free (as in beer).

于 2008-11-06T12:27:09.293 回答



于 2008-11-06T18:51:18.783 回答

Uservoice 有什么太复杂的地方?主 UI 是一个问题(“我建议你……”)。您的用户可以是匿名的,一个字段可以输入,基于网络,对小用户免费。似乎勾选了除可视编辑器之外的所有框。即使管理它也不是很棘手。(我将它用于我的 iPhone 应用程序。)

于 2009-05-08T15:23:29.327 回答

我认为本地托管的 php-bb(或其他...)论坛将是一个不错的选择,因为您可以对其进行审核,并拥有人们可以在复制建议之前检查的常见问题解答和历史记录。所以,这是一个简单的电子邮件地址的优势,它有一个简单的、已知的界面。

于 2008-11-07T12:16:49.223 回答

看起来您正面临一个非常标准的权衡 - 您希望您的反馈是结构化的,但您不希望对您的用户施加任何影响。

你不能一边吃蛋糕一边吃。为什么 wiki 不在桌面上?Wiki 旨在平衡这种权衡。

于 2009-05-08T15:28:11.250 回答

嗯,我发现我们也将 InfoPath 作为我们工具集的一部分。我从来没有使用过它,但也许它可以完成这项工作。

于 2008-11-06T14:13:03.200 回答

How about using for example Google groups? I've found a mailing list works quite well for this kind of purpose.

Edit: or how about http://getsatisfaction.com/

于 2008-11-06T12:17:56.487 回答

您可以使用 Google Documents 创建共享电子表格。您的使用将需要 Google 帐户,但他们只需要登录一次,cookie 会记住它们以供下次使用。

于 2008-11-06T12:35:30.697 回答