我知道 rdd.firstwfirst() 方法,它为我提供了 RDD 中的第一个元素。

还有一种方法 rdd.take(num) 它给了我第一个“num”元素。




3 回答 3


这应该可以通过首先索引 RDD 来实现。转换zipWithIndex提供了一个稳定的索引,以原始顺序对每个元素进行编号。

鉴于:rdd = (a,b,c)

val withIndex = rdd.zipWithIndex // ((a,0),(b,1),(c,2))


val indexKey = withIndex.map{case (k,v) => (v,k)}  //((0,a),(1,b),(2,c))

现在,可以使用lookupPairRDD 中的操作按键查找元素:

val b = indexKey.lookup(1) // Array(b)

如果您希望lookup经常在同一个 RDD 上使用,我建议缓存indexKeyRDD 以提高性能。

如何使用Java API做到这一点是留给读者的练习。

于 2014-11-09T16:46:51.207 回答

我试过这个类按索引获取一个项目。首先,当您构造 时new IndexedFetcher(rdd, itemClass),它会计算 RDD 的每个分区中的元素数。然后,当您调用 时indexedFetcher.get(n),它仅在包含该索引的分区上运行作业。

请注意,我需要使用 Java 1.7 而不是 1.8 来编译它;从 Spark 1.1.0 开始,com.esotericsoftware.reflectasm 中捆绑的 org.objectweb.asm 还不能读取 Java 1.8 类(当您尝试运行 Java 1.8 函数时抛出 IllegalStateException)。

import java.io.Serializable;

import org.apache.spark.SparkContext;
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext;
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD;

import scala.reflect.ClassTag;

public static class IndexedFetcher<E> implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    public final RDD<E> rdd;
    public Integer[] elementsPerPartitions;
    private Class<?> clazz;
    public IndexedFetcher(RDD<E> rdd, Class<?> clazz){
        this.rdd = rdd;
        this.clazz = clazz;
        SparkContext context = this.rdd.context();
        ClassTag<Integer> intClassTag = scala.reflect.ClassTag$.MODULE$.<Integer>apply(Integer.class);
        elementsPerPartitions = (Integer[]) context.<E, Integer>runJob(rdd, IndexedFetcher.<E>countFunction(), intClassTag);
    public static class IteratorCountFunction<E> extends scala.runtime.AbstractFunction2<TaskContext, scala.collection.Iterator<E>, Integer> implements Serializable {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        @Override public Integer apply(TaskContext taskContext, scala.collection.Iterator<E> iterator) {
            int count = 0;
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            return count;
    static <E> scala.Function2<TaskContext, scala.collection.Iterator<E>, Integer> countFunction() {
        scala.Function2<TaskContext, scala.collection.Iterator<E>, Integer> function = new IteratorCountFunction<E>();
        return function;
    public E get(long index) {
        long remaining = index;
        long totalCount = 0;
        for (int partition = 0; partition < elementsPerPartitions.length; partition++) {
            if (remaining < elementsPerPartitions[partition]) {
                return getWithinPartition(partition, remaining);
            remaining -= elementsPerPartitions[partition];
            totalCount += elementsPerPartitions[partition];
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Get %d within RDD that has only %d elements", index, totalCount));
    public static class FetchWithinPartitionFunction<E> extends scala.runtime.AbstractFunction2<TaskContext, scala.collection.Iterator<E>, E> implements Serializable {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        private final long indexWithinPartition;
        public FetchWithinPartitionFunction(long indexWithinPartition) {
            this.indexWithinPartition = indexWithinPartition;
        @Override public E apply(TaskContext taskContext, scala.collection.Iterator<E> iterator) {
            int count = 0;
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                E element = iterator.next();
                if (count == indexWithinPartition)
                    return element;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Fetch %d within partition that has only %d elements", indexWithinPartition, count));
    public E getWithinPartition(int partition, long indexWithinPartition) {
        System.out.format("getWithinPartition(%d, %d)%n", partition, indexWithinPartition);
        SparkContext context = rdd.context();
        scala.Function2<TaskContext, scala.collection.Iterator<E>, E> function = new FetchWithinPartitionFunction<E>(indexWithinPartition);
        scala.collection.Seq<Object> partitions = new scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray.ofInt(new int[] {partition});
        ClassTag<E> classTag = scala.reflect.ClassTag$.MODULE$.<E>apply(this.clazz);
        E[] result = (E[]) context.<E, E>runJob(rdd, function, partitions, true, classTag);
        return result[0];
于 2014-11-17T20:58:01.987 回答

我也坚持了一段时间,所以为了扩展 Maasg 的答案,但回答是按 Java 的索引查找一系列值(您需要在顶部定义 4 个变量):

DataFrame df;
SQLContext sqlContext;
Long start;
Long end;

JavaPairRDD<Row, Long> indexedRDD = df.toJavaRDD().zipWithIndex();
JavaRDD filteredRDD = indexedRDD.filter((Tuple2<Row,Long> v1) -> v1._2 >= start && v1._2 < end);
DataFrame filteredDataFrame = sqlContext.createDataFrame(filteredRDD, df.schema());

请记住,当您运行此代码时,您的集群将需要 Java 8(因为正在使用 lambda 表达式)。

此外, zipWithIndex 可能很昂贵!

于 2016-08-02T11:01:17.767 回答