真的有办法将 Future[Either[Future[T1], Future[T2]]] 类型的对象转换为 Either[Future[T1], Future[T2]] 类型的对象吗?

也许类似 flatMap 的东西适用于 Either....


case class WebServResp(msg: String)
case class WebStatus(code: Int)
type InnerActionOutType = Either[Future[Option[WebServResp]], Future[WebStatus]]
type InnerActionSig = Future[Option[WebServResp]] => Either[Future[Option[WebServResp]], Future[WebStatus]]

val chainOfActions: InnerActionSig = Seq(
  {prevRespOptFut => 
    println("in action 1: " + prevRespOptFut)
    //dont care about prev result
    Left(Future.successful(Some(WebServResp("result from 1"))))
  {prevRespOptFut => 
    println("in action 2: " + prevFutopt)
    prevRespOptFut.map {prevRespOpt =>
      //i know prevResp contains instance of WebServResp. so i skip the opt-matching
      val prevWebServResp = prevRespOpt.get
      Left(Some(prevWebServResp.msg + " & " + " additional result from 2"))

    //But the outcome of the map above is: Future[Left(...)]
    //What I want is Left(Future[...])

type WrappedActionSig = InnerActionOutType => InnerActionOutType 
val wrappedChainOfActions = chainOfActions.map {innerAction => 
  val wrappedAction: WrappedActionSig = {respFromPrevWrappedAction =>
    respFromPrevWrappedAction match {
      case Left(wsRespOptFut) => {        
      case Right(wsStatusFut) => {

wrappedChainOfActions.fold(identity[WrappedActionIOType] _)  ((l, r) => l andThen r).apply(Left(None))


根据下面 Didier 的评论(Scala Future, flatMap that works on Either)......这是一个有效的代码:

case class WebRespString(str: String)
case class WebStatus(code: Int, str: String)
type InnerActionOutType = Either[Future[Option[WebRespString]], Future[WebStatus]]
type InnerActionSig = Future[Option[WebRespString]] => InnerActionOutType

type WrappedActionSig = InnerActionOutType => InnerActionOutType
def executeChainOfActions(chainOfActions: Seq[InnerActionSig]): Future[WebStatus] = {
  val wrappedChainOfActions : Seq[WrappedActionSig] = chainOfActions.map {innerAction => 
    val wrappedAction: WrappedActionSig = {respFromPrevWrappedAction =>
      respFromPrevWrappedAction match {
        case Left(wsRespOptFut) => {        
          innerAction(wsRespOptFut)       }
        case Right(wsStatusFut) => {

  val finalResultPossibilities = wrappedChainOfActions.fold(identity[InnerActionOutType] _)  ((l, r) => l andThen r).apply(Left(Future.successful(None)))
  finalResultPossibilities match {
    case Left(webRespStringOptFut) => webRespStringOptFut.map {webRespStringOpt => WebStatus(200, webRespStringOpt.get.str)}
    case Right(webStatusFut) => webStatusFut


  {prevRespOptFut => 
    println("in action 1: " + prevRespOptFut)
    //dont care about prev result
    Left(Future.successful(Some(WebRespString("result from 1"))))
  {prevRespOptFut => 
    println("in action 2: " + prevRespOptFut)
    Left(prevRespOptFut.map {prevRespOpt => 
      val prevWebRespString = prevRespOpt.get
      Some(WebRespString(prevWebRespString.str + " & " + " additional result from 2"))
)).map {webStatus =>
  println(webStatus.code + ":" + webStatus.str)

  {prevRespOptFut => 
    println("in action 1: " + prevRespOptFut)
    //Let's short-circuit here
    Right(Future.successful(WebStatus(404, "resource non-existent")))
  {prevRespOptFut => 
    println("in action 2: " + prevRespOptFut)
    Left(prevRespOptFut.map {prevRespOpt => 
      val prevWebRespString = prevRespOpt.get
      Some(WebRespString(prevWebRespString.str + " & " + " additional result from 2"))
)).map {webStatus =>
  println(webStatus.code + ":" + webStatus.str)



2 回答 2


该类型Future[Either[Future[T1], Future[T2]]]意味着有时稍后(那是未来)一个人会得到一个 Either,所以在那个时候,一个人会知道计算会走哪条路,以及一个人是否会在更晚的时候得到一个 T1 或一个 T2。

Left因此,将稍后选择(或Right)哪个分支的知识。类型Either[Future[T1], Future[T2]意味着一个人现在拥有该知识(不知道结果将是什么,但已经知道它将是什么类型)。摆脱未来的唯一方法就是等待。


你可以做的是说你对知道哪个分支不太感兴趣,只要它还没有完成,那么Future[Either[T1, T2]]就足够了。这很容易。假设您有 Either,您宁愿不看,而是等待实际结果:

def asFuture[T1, T2](
    either: Either[Future[T1], Future[T2]])(
    implicit ec: ExecutionContext)
 : Future[Either[T1, T2] =  either match {
   case Left(ft1) => ft1 map {t1 => Left(t1)}
   case Right(ft2) => ft2 map {t2 => Right(t2)}

你还Either没有,但有未来,所以只是 flatMap

f.flatMap(asFuture) : Future[Either[T1, T2]]


于 2014-11-09T08:10:06.467 回答

似乎您实际上并不需要 ? 的“失败”Either案例Future?在这种情况下,我们可以使用 scalaz(请注意,“成功”的情况应该在右边):

import scalaz._
import scalaz.Scalaz._

def futureEitherFutureToFuture[A, B](f: Future[Either[A, Future[B]]])(
  implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Either[A, B]] =

但最好始终Future在 API 中保留在外部,flatMap在代码中而不是在客户端中。(这里是 的一部分foldLeftM):

case class WebServResp(msg: String)
case class WebStatus(code: Int)
type OWSR = Option[WebServResp]
type InnerActionOutType = Future[Either[WebStatus, OWSR]]
type InnerActionSig = OWSR => InnerActionOutType

def executeChain(chain: List[InnerActionSig]): InnerActionOutType = 
  chain.foldLeftM(None: OWSR) {
    (prevResp, action) => action(prevResp)

//if you want that same API
def executeChainOfActions(chainOfActions: Seq[InnerActionSig]) =
  executeChain(chainOfActions.toList).map {
    case Left(webStatus) => webStatus
    case Right(webRespStringOpt) => WebStatus(200, webRespStringOpt.get.str)


于 2014-11-09T12:31:39.950 回答