I attended a payroll software demo yesterday wherein the year dropdowns throughout the software ran from 2000 to 2200. Now, we've all been down this road before with 2 digit shortsight, but honestly - a 200 year service life for a Java & Oracle payroll system? Our Board of Directors would be thrilled if the company was even solvent for 1/4th that long.

When forced to use a dropdown year select, where do you draw the line?


5 回答 5


It depends upon the usage. If you're trying to ascertain retirement dates for financial planning, you need to allow users to select years decades into the future. If you're asking for credit card expiration dates, current year + 10 should be more than sufficient. Either way, you would be populating these dropdowns dynamically, lest you desire touching up the user interface every year.

于 2010-04-21T01:48:06.300 回答

为什么不让您的应用程序最终用户可配置?给他们一个配置屏幕,让他们输入 4 位数的截止年份并在代码中引用?

我喜欢尽可能多地让最终用户可配置——这意味着我可以将一个软件发送给多个客户,这会推动他们做出一些棘手的决定 :-)

于 2010-04-21T02:02:10.787 回答


做一个研究项目,显示输入 4 位日期比使用大到足以有滚动条的下拉菜单花费更少的时间,将时间差乘以对使用该软件的人数的巨大估计,再乘以大大夸大了对数据输入费率的估计,并向公司展示了如何在软件的生命周期内节省 187 亿美元。

于 2010-07-15T20:00:03.347 回答

如此大范围的缺点是下拉菜单变得笨拙 - 肯定会有滚动条,并且更难找到您要查找的年份。

如果它必须处理退休日期,我会说未来 55 年就足够了(一个 18 岁的人可能会在 73 岁退休)。我对此类系统的有限经验使我无法知道合理的限制是什么——也许你能启发我们?

于 2010-04-21T02:23:09.177 回答

已确认的最古老的人类年龄是 115 岁。所以我敢打赌将其设置为 120 岁。

于 2010-07-15T20:03:48.157 回答