我正在尝试创建一个虚拟教室。由于我不熟悉网络会议(或会议)术语,我不确定我是否理解 WebRTC 的功能。

我查看了 WebRTC 的示例,所有我发现的似乎都是点对点连接。据我了解,点对点连接是在两个实体之间。但是,据我所知,虚拟教室是不同的;它们要求各方相互连接,以便当一个用户说话/打字时,所有用户都能听到她的声音。

WebRTC 可以做到这一点吗?如果是这样,它叫什么,我如何阅读更多关于它的信息?


2 回答 2


查看开源 Big Blue Button 项目 ( http://bigbluebutton.org/ )。它们目前基于 Flash,但正在积极转向 webRTC。有传言说他们将使用 Kurento 作为他们的 MCU。他们还拥有开源移动 (Android/iOS) 应用程序代码。

于 2014-11-07T15:36:16.287 回答


Beyond one-to-one: multi-party WebRTC

You may also want to take a look at Justin Uberti's proposed IETF standard for 
a REST API for access to TURN Services.

It's easy to imagine use cases for media streaming that go beyond a simple 
one-to-one call: for example, video conferencing between a group of colleagues, 
or a public event with one speaker and hundreds (or millions) of viewers.

A WebRTC app can use multiple RTCPeerConnections so to that every endpoint
connects to every other endpoint in a mesh configuration. This is the approach 
taken by apps such as talky.io, and works remarkably well for a small handful 
of peers. Beyond that, processing and bandwidth consumption becomes excessive, 
especially for mobile clients.

也许你可以尝试在webrtc google group中搜索


于 2014-11-06T11:34:03.513 回答