我在 LaTeX 中工作,当我创建一个 pdf 文件(使用 LaTeX 按钮或 pdfLaTeX 按钮或使用 yap)时,pdf 只有前两页。没有错误。它只是停止。如果我通过添加文本使第一页更长,它仍然会在第二页的末尾停止。有任何想法吗?
\title{Outline of Book}
\author{Peter L. Flom}
\subsection*{What makes this book different?}
\subsection*{Necessary background}
\subsection*{How to read this book}
\subsection{The purpose of logistic regression}
\subsection{The need for logistic regression}
\subsection{Types of logistic regression}
\section{General issues in logistic regression}
\subsection{Transforming independent and dependent variables}
\subsection{Model selection}
\subsection{Parameter estimates, confidence intervals, p values}
\subsection{Summary and further reading}
\section{Dichotomous logistic regression}
\subsection{Introduction, theory, examples}
\subsection{Exploratory plots and analysis}
\subsection{Basic model fitting}
\subsection{Advanced and special issues in model fitting}
\subsection{Diagnostic and descriptive plots and analysis}
\subsection{Traps and gotchas}
\subsection{Power analysis}
\subsection{Summary and further reading}
\section{Ordinal logistic regression}
\subsection{Introduction, theory, examples}
\subsubsection{Introduction - what are ordinal variables?}
\subsubsection{Theory of the model}
\subsubsection{Examples for this chapter}
\subsection{Exploratory plots and analysis}
\subsection{Basic model fitting}
\subsection{Advanced and special issues in model fitting}
\subsection{Diagnostic and descriptive plots and analysis}
\subsection{Traps and gotchas}
\subsection{Power analysis}
\subsection{Summary and further reading}
\section{Multinomial logistic regression}
\subsection{Introduction, theory, examples}
\subsection{Exploratory plots and analysis}
\subsection{Basic model fitting}
\subsection{Advanced and special issues in model fitting}
\subsection{Diagnostic and descriptive plots and analysis}
\subsection{Traps and gotchas}
\subsection{Power analysis}
\subsection{Summary and further reading}
\section{Choosing a model}
\subsection{NOIR and its problems}
\subsection{Linear vs. ordinal}
\subsection{Ordinal vs. multinomial}
\subsection{Summary and further reading}
\section{Extensions and related models}
\subsection{Other logistic models}
\subsection{Multilevel models - PROC NLMIXED and GLIMMIX}
\subsection{Loglinear models - PROC CATMOD}