如果您想在内存上构建某种缓存,请考虑使用带有 SoftReferences 的 Map。SoftReferences 是一种倾向于将您的数据保留一段时间的引用,但不会阻止它被垃圾收集。
从Google 的 Collections中查看 MapMaker ,它可以让您方便地构建 2 级缓存。考虑这样做:
/** Function that attempts to load data from a slower medium */
Function<String, String> loadFunction = new Function<String, String>() {
public String apply(String key) {
// maybe check out from a slower cache, say hard disk
// if not available, retrieve from the internet
return result;
/** Thread-safe memory cache. If multiple threads are querying
* data for one SAME key, only one of them will do further work.
* The other threads will wait. */
Map<String, String> memCache = new MapMaker()