我必须根据当前日期计算下一个日期。例如,假设今天是“2014 年 11 月 5 日”,并且用户输入了第一个星期一之类的输入。所以根据用户输入,如果本月的第一个星期一已经过去,那么我必须找出下个月的第一个星期一。如果当月的第一个星期一还没有到来,那么我必须找出当月的日期。

我正在使用 java.util.Calendar 类。

//user inputs
int dayOfWeek = 3; // as user has provided 'Tuesday'   
int noOfWeek = 1; // as user provided 1st 

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); // getting the current instance.
int currentDayOfWeek = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); // getting the cCurrentDayOfWeek in integer.
int currentNoOfWeek  = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH); // getting which week it is in the current month

 if(noOfWeek < currentNoOfWeek){
 // the date has gone past in the current month.
 else if ((noOfWeek == currentNoOfWeek) && dayOfWeek < currentDayOfWeek){
 // though the week number is same but as the currentDayOfWeek is greater than the provided day so in this case also  date has gone past in the current month.



2 回答 2




public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO: validate user-input

    // Input by user:
    int inputDayOfWeek = 3; // Tuesday
    int inputWeekOfMonth = 2;

    if(isInNextMonth(inputDayOfWeek, inputWeekOfMonth)){
        Date outputDate = calculateNextValidDate(inputDayOfWeek, inputWeekOfMonth);

        // Do something with the outputDate

private static boolean isInNextMonth(int inputDayOfWeek, int inputWeekOfMonth){
    // Current day:
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    int currentDayOfWeek = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
    int currentWeekOfMonth = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH);

    // The date has gone past in the current month
    // OR though it's the same week of the month, the day of the week is past the current day of the week
    return inputWeekOfMonth < currentWeekOfMonth || ((inputWeekOfMonth == currentWeekOfMonth) && inputDayOfWeek < currentDayOfWeek);

一些需要注意的事情:我已经把 if 和 if-else 都放在了一个 if 中,因为在这两种情况下你都想去下个月,并且还把它变成了一个单独的方法(让它成为一个单独的方法只是一个我个人的偏好,以保持事情的结构和组织)。

我注意到的另一件事是您的 if 和 else-if 中的错误。它应该是noOfWeek < currentNoOfWeek代替noOfWeek > currentNoOfWeek((noOfWeek == currentNoOfWeek) && dayOfWeek > currentDayOfWeek)代替((noOfWeek == currentNoOfWeek) && dayOfWeek < currentDayOfWeek)<>被颠倒)。

现在是calculateNextValidDate 方法,这是您的问题所在。我的方法如下:

  • 从下个月的第一天开始
  • 转到本月的正确周
  • 然后转到本周的正确日期


private static Date calculateNextValidDate(int inputDayOfWeek, int inputWeekOfMonth){
    // Set the first day of the next month as starting position:
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1);
    cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);

    // Now first go to the correct week of this month
    int weekOfNextMonth = 1;
    while(weekOfNextMonth < inputWeekOfMonth){
        // Raise by a week
        cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);

    // Now that we have the correct week of this month,
    // we get the correct day
    while(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) != inputDayOfWeek){
        // Raise by a day
        cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);

    return cal.getTime();

这段代码给了我以下输出(在 2014 年 11 月 5 日星期三 - 使用3 [Tuesday]2作为输入):

Tue Dec 09 17:05:42 CET 2014

还要注意// TODO:我在这篇文章的第一个代码部分的主要方法中添加的。如果用户输入无效(例如负周或 dayOfMonth),它可能会通过 while 循环太多次。我让你来验证用户输入。

于 2014-11-05T16:06:17.503 回答

这是一个想法。继续滚动您的 Calendar 实例一天 [cal.add(DAY, 1)] 每次迭代(即,包裹在循环中),每次检查您是否处于指定为输入的 Day/Week 中。一旦满足此条件,完成并提取日期。

此外,在“cal”变量声明之后,用对 Calendar.getInstance().get() 的调用替换 cal.get()。

于 2014-11-05T13:26:26.737 回答