我现在有3天的大问题。我正在尝试在 iOS 上使用 iCloud 键值存储,但值永远不会与 iCloud 同步而不会出现明显错误。当我说它不同步时,它真的从不同步。我可以让应用程序运行 15 分钟,关闭它并再次启动它,值仍然不存在。
我在 Apple 会员中心的 App-ID 上启用了 iCloud。我在我的项目的 xCode 功能中启用了 iCloud。一切运行良好,没有错误,但是当我试图获得我的价值时,它根本不存在。
这是我用来与 iCloud 通信的代码(请记住,我需要将它与 Unity3D 一起使用):
extern "C" void UnitySendMessage(const char *, const char *, const char *);
@interface iCloudPlugin : NSObject
NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore *keyStore;
@implementation iCloudPlugin
- (id) initClass
if([NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore defaultStore] == nil){
NSLog(@"iCloud not enabled");
keyStore = [NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore defaultStore];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(keyValueStoreDidChange:) name:NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreDidChangeExternallyNotification object:keyStore];
return self;
- (void) synchronize
NSLog(@"Syncing iCloud");
if([keyStore synchronize])
NSLog(@"Successfully synced");
- (void) addValue:(const char*)key value:(const char*)value
NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s",key]);
NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s",value]);
[keyStore setString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s",key] forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s",value ]];
[self synchronize];
-(void) keyValueStoreDidChange: (NSNotification *) notification
NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:@"Key/Value Changed"]);
- (const char*) getValue:(const char*)key
NSString *storedString = [keyStore stringForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s",key]];
return [storedString UTF8String];
- (BOOL) hasKey:(const char*)key
NSString *storedString = [keyStore stringForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s",key]];
if(storedString == nil){
return NO;
return YES;
- (void) removeKey:(const char*)key
[keyStore removeObjectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s",key]];
[self synchronize];
extern "C" {
void *_InitICloud();
void _Synchronize(void *instance);
void _AddValue(void *instance, const char *key, const char *value);
const char *_GetValue(void *instance, const char *key);
BOOL _HasKey(void *instance, const char *key);
void _RemoveKey(void *instance, const char *key);
void *_InitICloud()
id instance = [[iCloudPlugin alloc] initClass];
return (void *)instance;
void _Synchronize(void *instance)
iCloudPlugin *iCloudInstance = (iCloudPlugin *) instance;
[iCloudInstance synchronize];
void _AddValue(void *instance, const char *key, const char *value){
iCloudPlugin *iCloudInstance = (iCloudPlugin *) instance;
[iCloudInstance addValue:key value:value];
const char *_GetValue(void *instance, const char *key)
iCloudPlugin *iCloudInstance = (iCloudPlugin *) instance;
return [iCloudInstance getValue:key];
BOOL _HasKey(void *instance, const char *key)
iCloudPlugin *iCloudInstance = (iCloudPlugin *) instance;
return [iCloudInstance hasKey:key];
void _RemoveKey(void *instance, const char *key)
iCloudPlugin *iCloudInstance = (iCloudPlugin *) instance;
[iCloudInstance removeKey:key];
如果没有挂起,hasKey 函数总是返回 NO。
我查看了 iPhone 5(运行 iOS 8.1)日志,没有关于 iCloud 的日志。我已经阅读了另一个主题,您可以通过与 iCloud 同步来访问隐藏的 iCloud 日志,然后导航到 ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/iPhone de *******/DiagnosticLogs。
Nov 4 16:57:29 iPhone-de-******* librariand[139] <Debug>: cancelled, closing fd 4
Nov 4 16:57:29 iPhone-de-******* librariand[139] <Debug>: client process 140 does not have a valid com.apple.developer.ubiquity-container-identifiers entitlement
Nov 4 16:57:29 iPhone-de-******* librariand[139] <Debug>: not tracking pid 140 since it does not require us to enable push
Nov 4 16:57:29 iPhone-de-******* librariand[139] <Debug>: application identifier for process 140 = bird
Nov 4 16:57:29 iPhone-de-******* librariand[139] <Debug>: received request 12 from client 140 (bird): <dictionary: 0x175749a0> { count = 1, contents =
"Request Type" => <uint64: 0x17683ed0>: 12
Nov 4 16:57:29 iPhone-de-******* librariand[139] <Debug>: container com.apple.shoebox has 0 bytes evictable
Nov 4 16:57:29 iPhone-de-******* librariand[139] <Debug>: client connection error: Connection invalid
问题是我在 iCloud 权利中找不到任何 com.apple.developer.ubiquity-container-identifiers。所以我创建了它并给它我们的 AppID 值,但它也不起作用(+ 它在 xCode 中显示一个错误,因为它无法识别它)。
我试图从手机中删除所有配置文件,它不会改变任何东西。我试图在 iCloud 中禁用蜂窝数据,它没有改变任何东西(我也尝试再次启用它,猜猜看,没有改变任何东西)。