$ RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec mutant -r ./config/environment --use rspec User
Module#name from: XPath::HTML did not return a String or nil. Fix your lib to support normal ruby semantics!
Module#name from: XPath did not return a String or nil. Fix your lib to support normal ruby semantics!
#<Method: User (call 'User.connection' to establish a connection).page> does not have valid source location unable to emit subject
Mutant configuration:
Matcher: #<Mutant::Matcher::Config match_expressions=[<Mutant::Expression: User>] subject_ignores=[] subject_selects=[]>
Integration: rspec
Expect Coverage: 100.00%
Processes: 8
Includes: []
Requires: ["./config/environment"]
Mutant configuration:
Matcher: #<Mutant::Matcher::Config match_expressions=[<Mutant::Expression: User>] subject_ignores=[] subject_selects=[]>
Integration: rspec
Expect Coverage: 100.00%
Processes: 8
Includes: []
Requires: ["./config/environment"]
Available Subjects: 0
Subjects: 0
Mutations: 0
Kills: 0
Alive: 0
Runtime: 1.05s
Killtime: 0.00s
Overhead: Inf%
Coverage: 0.00%
Expected: 100.00%