I am having some doubts whether I understand correctly the concept of static component or not.

I am designing an experiment where I am presenting images for certain durations and once an image is gone the participant will have to submit a response.

I am using the builder for this and usually at the end I go on the coder view to make some minor alterations (randomise inter-trial durations etc)

So in the builder, I start a loop where my first routine has an ISI component for 0.5 seconds, then I add an image ad 0.5 seconds, a second routine in the loop records the key response.

What I want to do, in order to avoid lag, is to load the image during the ISI and then display it after the 0.5 seconds have passed. I am ok with the condition file and how to use parameters as variables. So in the Image entry I use $image (as declared in my excel file), I also declare that I want this image to be set "during trial:ISI". Does this do what I have in mind? Load the image during ISI and flip it once ISI finishes?

Secondly, do you think it will be more efficient to have the ISI and the image in different routines inside the same loop?

If you have any other suggestions on how it can be done in a more efficient way please let me know.

Thank you.


1 回答 1


(1) 是的,这是使用 ISI 预加载图像的正确方法。

(2) 不,没有必要拆分不同的例程。

(3)您应该避免“在编码器视图上进行一些小改动”。一旦您在此处进行更改,就无法再使用 Builder 视图。通过将代码放在 Builder 视图中的代码组件中,您很可能可以实现您想要的,因此您不必放弃图形界面的优势。

于 2014-11-03T19:37:05.193 回答