im having a firefox issue where i dont see the wood for the trees using ajax i get html source from a php script
this html code contains a tag and within the tbody some more tr/td's
now i want to append this tbody plaincode to an existing table. but there is one more condition: the table is part of a form and thus contains checkboxe's and drop down's. if i would use table.innerHTML += content; firefox reloads the table and reset's all elements within it which isnt very userfriendly as id like to have
what i have is this
// content equals transport.responseText from ajax request
function appendToTable(content){
var wrapper = document.createElement('table');
wrapper.innerHTML = content;
wrapper.setAttribute('id', 'wrappid'); = 'none';
// get the parsed element - well it should be
wrapper = document.getElementById('wrappid');
// the destination table
table = document.getElementById('tableid');
// firebug prints a table element - seems right
// firebug prints the content ive inserted - seems right
var i = 0;
// childNodes is iterated 2 times, both are textnode's
// the second one seems to be a simple '\n'
// firebug prints 'undefined' - wth!??
// firebug prints a textnode element - <TextNode textContent=" ">
// WEIRD: firebug has no problems showing the 'wrappid' table and its contents in the html view - which seems there are the elements i want and not textelements
either this is so trivial that i dont see the problem OR its a corner case and i hope someone here has that much of expirience to give an advice on this - anyone can imagine why i get textnodes and not the finally parsed dom elements i expect?
btw: btw i cant give a full example cause i cant write a smaller non working piece of code its one of those bugs that occure in the wild and not in my testset
thx all