当我使用 IT Hit 的 WebDAV 服务器编辑文档时,我可以将内容添加到 Word 文档中。但是,如果我将其全部选中并将其全部删除或将其缩减为一个单词,则它会以损坏的形式打开。在 2013 版 Word 中,我能够修复该文档。我附上了一些我遇到错误的屏幕截图,文件修复前后的文件以及文件的外观无法比较。



错误 错误

超越比较 超越比较

设置差异 设置

核心差异 在此处输入图像描述


1 回答 1


I have verified that current Server Engine for .Net v3.9.2075.0 and Ajax File Browser v2.6.2.2105 works with no problem. I double checked server with both SQL beck-end and with file system back-end. I tested both ASP.NET server running in IIS Express and in HttpListener.

Here is what you can try that may give you an idea of waht is wrong:

  • Execute 'net use * /DELETE'. This will unmount all network shares including WebDAV. This will simulate 'clean' environment.

  • Examine the WebDAVLog.txt. By default it is located in /App_Data/WebDAV/Logs/. Are there any exceptions in it?

  • Capture requests using free Fiddler tool or any other debugging proxy. Are there any failed requests?

于 2014-11-04T04:58:32.570 回答