@font-face {
font-family: 'arrows';
src: url('fonts/arrows/arrows.eot?');
src: url('fonts/arrows/arrows.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('fonts/arrows/arrows.woff?') format('woff'),
url('fonts/arrows/arrows.ttf?') format('truetype'),
url('fonts/arrows/arrows.svg?#arrows') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
现在,如果我取消注释该函数末尾的“return”语句(writeFontFace),我确实收到了我期望收到的适当输出,但是(无论出于何种原因),它没有附加“脚本”变量(包含前面提到的@font-face 定义)在我的文档头部?不能完全弄清楚为什么。任何建议和/或评论都将不胜感激......再说一次,这是我第一次使用自动执行的匿名函数,因此,如果有人觉得他们可能有一些建设性的批评,我将不胜感激和/或建议。与往常一样,提前非常感谢。
~ 干杯
(function() { /** * Object Literal {Property Values} Constant: property values to be used throughout this object */ const vars = { decCharPrefix : '&#', decCharSuffix : ';', baseGlyphValue: 59392, } }; /** * bpIconFont {Constructor} Core: constructor for this library; ensures that this library is instantiated if an internal method is called */ var bpIconFont = function() { if(!(this instanceof bpIconFont)) return new bpIconFont(); }; /** * bpIconFont.fn */ bpIconFont.fn = bpIconFont.prototype = { init: function() { console.log('bpIconFont Initialized!'); } } window.bpIconFont = bpIconFont; // Expose: anonymous self-executing function to DOM })(); /** * getFontDirectroy {Method} Gets: generates the directory to which the passed font will be placed, via relative path * @param {Array/String} font Converts: the passed array or string and generates a 'relative path' for the desired font * @return {Array/String} Returns: the relative path for the font */ bpIconFont.fn.getFontDirectroy = function(font) { var fontDir = 'fonts/' + font + '/'; return fontDir; }; /** * getFontDirectroy {Method} Gets: generates the directory to which the passed font will be placed, via relative path * @param {Array/String} font Converts: the passed array or string and generates a 'relative path' for the desired font * @return {Array/String} Returns: the relative path for the font */ bpIconFont.fn.writeFontFace = function(font) { var dir = bpIconFont().getFontDirectroy(font); var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var script = document.createElement('style'); script.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); var fontFace = '@font-face {' + '\n\tfont-family: \'' + font + '\';\n\tsrc: url(\'' + dir + font + '.eot?\');' + '\n\tsrc: url(\'' + dir + font + '.eot?#iefix\') format(\'embedded-opentype\'),' + '\n\t\t url(\'' + dir + font + '.woff?\') format(\'woff\'),' + '\n\t\t url(\'' + dir + font + '.ttf?\') format(\'truetype\'),' + '\n\t\t url(\'' + dir + font + '.svg?#' + font + '\') format(\'svg\');' + '\n\tfont-weight: normal;' + '\n\tfont-style: normal;' + '\n}'; script.appendChild(document.createTextNode(fontFace)); head.appendChild(script); // return fontFace; };