Microsoft Excel 无法打开或保存更多文档,因为没有足够的可用内存或磁盘空间。• 要提供更多可用内存,请关闭不再需要的工作簿或程序。• 要释放磁盘空间,请从要保存到的磁盘中删除不再需要的文件。
在我的应用程序中打开 Excel 工作表时出现此错误应用程序运行良好IIS5
但是当我将其转移到Windows server 2012 R2
For both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows, the folder “C:\Windows\System32\config
\systemprofile\desktop” must exist and you need Full Control permissions to the
“systemprofile” and “desktop” directories.
For 64-bit versions of Windows 7 or Server 2008 and higher, the “C:\Windows\SysWOW64
\config\systemprofile\desktop” folder must also exist and you need Full Control
permissions to the “systemprofile” and “desktop” directories.
For 64-bit versions of Windows Vista, the “C:\Windows\SysWOW \config\systemprofile
\desktop” folder must also exist and you need Full Control permissions to the
“systemprofile” and “desktop” directories.
For Windows 8.1, in addition to the above, the Windows Registry Key
[HKEY_Current_User\Softwware\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell
Folders\Cache] must be set to C:\Windows\Temp